The Hierarchy of Power

In the beginning before the earth and everything in it was formed, there was heaven as we know it to be.  A place where existed God, Our Father also referred to as the Holy Spirit; his son Jesus Christ his most trusted of children called Arch angels and a whole host of lesser but just as important other angels.  Within this Eden, there was a conflict brewing where one of those most trusted Lucifer better known as Satan was attempting to unseat his father and take over the throne.  One the other side of that was Michael, a strong believer and defender of his father.  Every negotiating tactic attempted by God to settle his child Satan met to no avail and the conflict was on.  This was the time God decided to create another group of children who he thought would devote and cherish only him forever.   Then there was Adam deposited into another Garden of Eden later joined by Eve.  After the war was over, God had a choice to make.  He could completely destroy his child Satan or exile him.  God being merciful chose exile and gave to Satan his own kingdom we call hell, but was really earth.   Want proof, consider this.  Heaven is full of peace and joy without struggle and strife and hell is the total opposite.  Now ask yourself, are we not here on this earth but plagued with strife and struggle?
Now the hatred of God within Satan was strong but it did not reach its maximum until God added one more condition to the sparing of Satan.  This condition was since Satan wished no longer serve God his power and authority was reduced and he must now serve man.  Yes, that’s right; man was given the power and authority to command Satan and not the other way around that many still believe.  So when you look at the chart structure of power it appears like this.  There is the Holy Spirit/God, Jesus his only son, then comes man made in the image of God and last is Satan.  We know this because Jesus told us so in Luke Chapter 10 verses 19-20 when he said “Look, I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy,(Satan) you can walk among snakes and scorpions and crush them.  Nothing will injure you.  But don’t rejoice because evil spirits obey you rejoice because your names are registered in heaven”.  So now Satan was even more pissed because an Arch Angel like him an original was made to serve a lesser being and a non-original man.  In that capacity he is believed by some experts to have helped establish our society and with that created a system by which we may live.  The most powerful weapon that was created by Satan is and always will be money.  Engineered to keep all of our focus while he and his demons find other ways to destroy this that God has built and turn those who are supposed to be loyal to the Holy Spirit against him.

Jesus was dispatched by God after so many others who attempted to corral man had been killed to offer us another opportunity to correct our current course, but in the pursuit of that task we needed to learn who we were and what our mission was.  This education is still in process.  We know that in order to cast out Satan all we have to say is “get hence behind me Satan” and he is gone.  The average and ordinary person has this power and authority as Jesus told us in Luke.  We know that Satan really only have the power that we give to him and if we give it we can take it back.  Knowing that we are third in the line instead of bottom of the scale should clue us into who’s in control of our soul and salvation.  We hold the key and if we choose to be good, like a tree, good things will bloom but if we decide to be bad then only bad will grow.  We hold all the cards as Jesus tells us in Matthew Chapter 12 verse 36 “And I tell you this you must give account on judgment day for every idle word you speak and these words will either acquit you or condemn you”.  So whatcha gonna do?


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