
Showing posts from June, 2016

God’s one and only mistake is the same mistake Man continues to make

Many those of the Christian circles and some even with very little belief in God may say that God never makes mistakes and while I used to think that was true; I have discovered that he did.  The only issue with that is God was powerful enough, wise enough and loving enough to correct that mistake.  This is something we have yet to have full faith in saying about man. In the beginning, God demanded full obedience and was not afraid to wipe the slate clean and start over if those he created forgot to be thankful to him who created them.  We see the evidence in the story of Noah and of course the stories of Sodom and Gomorrah and the Walls of Jericho.  This was also evident by the Commandments Moses envisioned God wanted him to deliver to all his children and thus began the “fire and brimstone” preaching that so many stories have been written about.  It was only after destroying these places and losing so many good souls caught up in the sinfulness others tha...

Why the Gun Control Debate sounds and feels so wrong

Don’t know how many others feel but I grow so very tired of hearing about how this gun control debate is damaging others ability to bear arms.  It’s the number one reason so many feel as though there are two sides to this debate and those on the other side are so focused on being right that they too do not realize that each is arguing the same thing but in different varieties.  It’s sad and so very unnecessary but leaves it to humans to take things far out of proportion and find an enemy in everything we may disagree on.  We are so busy looking for someone to hate that we are willing to take a non-opposing view and turn it into one of the most ignorant and idiotic fights we have yet to witness.  I ask now that those from either side of this gun control debate take a few seconds and consider my argument thoroughly then decide if this foolish pursuit is worth continuing or not then I ask that each of us step back and closely examine why we made that particular decisio...

What if an earthly death was nothing more than a “do-over?”

We are conditioned to think that the life we live on earth ends when the body stops functioning but the older we get the more we come to think that life has a much higher purpose.  Some of us even go as far as to try and understand the true meaning of life but what we find is life’s meaning is still up to the individual about what life means to them. I believe that the only life that ends when the body stops functioning is the earthy life but we are more than just simple flesh, we are a spirit made in the image of God and only God has the power and authority to end this life.  Life is not this existence within these man-made bodies but the existence of the spirit that inhabits those bodies.  You see, man can end your earthly existence but they can never take your real life.  They can stop your heart from beating but they can never stop your soul from living, only God can do that.  To leave this earth and graduate to a body made by God himself for our pa...

My idea on how to properly deal with emotions

Common wisdom has us believing that emotions are controllable and that they can be dealt properly with just an expression of them.  I disagree with this common wisdom and the evidence of why is all around us. Common wisdom says that if someone makes you angry, all you need to do to deal with it properly is to find a non-combative way to let them know.  While this does ease the immediate sting of that action, it does not completely erase the emotion of anger.  There are still parts of that situation which plays over and over again within the confines of our mind and may again raise its head at a later time.  We often then attribute it to something else but for some reason do not completely accept that reasoning and often cannot figure out why.  Simply put, it is because assignment of another reason for that anger is wrong and deep within the very essences of which we are we know this that is why it does not sit right from the beginning.  So what do we d...

How the misuse of conversation can and often does lead to the demise of nation

If there are still any who wonder why we as human beings do not seem to get along anymore, if ever and we seem to be having more issues finding a solutions to our problems than finding solutions, maybe it is simply the act of how we have been misusing conversations. We all should be clearly aware that the human being tends to get a little bit more annoyed, frustrated and angry when the point that they are attempting to make seems to be falling upon deaf ears or those whom you are talking to seem to have much better things to do than to listen to your reasoning’s.  Maybe they feel that you should always give them the respect of listening to every word that travels out of their mouths but refuse to show you the same common courtesy when it comes you providing you the chance to state your’s.  This is something I think we are all guilty of at one time or another but at all stages, regardless of which of them we find ourselves, the result is the same.  We have and continu...

The Hidden Truth Behind all Crimes

Greater minds than mine has called themselves studying this dilemma regarding the primary reason or reasons behind why crimes are committed and if you check on their progress you may find a few strange and mysterious reasoning’s to include but no limited to a defective brain, destined by DNA, criminal mothers or fathers or just plain bad people.  Today’s great minds have now concluded that it is more about the over-whelming desire to have the better things in life with money the only real avenue to that dream and some may settle on the over-whelming lead level in the local drinking water causing mental and physical impairments that so far, a pill cannot cure. All these may make sense to many and seem fine to accept by others but there is another truth behind all crimes which many fear to admit and hide to avoid personal responsibility.  It is said that the primary reason behind crimes is the opportunity to commit it but think about it.  We believed this at one time e...

Gods Secret Weapon- The Mixed Child

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earths as well as man by breathing life into a pile of dust.  He crafted and created us in his own image as a spirit but because he wished us to hold domain over all else that he created, a vessel was necessary to carry this spirit from place to place.  His design was the boiler plate and identical in all aspects for man and woman.  As he sat back pleased with his design and creation, these same men and women began to stop appreciating what he had done for them and began to seek self-gratification.  They moved around this planet and all others from place to place seeking that place where they felt most at home. This migration to different areas caused our adaptable tissues to conform to that particular region and some developed deeper and more  pigmentation  within their tissues than others.  Some found food a plenty and ate quite well while others found food hard to come by and ae less.  Each...

Evils primary weapon is the hearts of man and the ease by which we can be fooled

Remember the sermons preached by pastors all over this country about the power of satan/evil?  Each one spoke of how powerful evil was and how it compared to the power of God.  It was designed to make you fear evil in hopes that it would drive many away from evil and keep them on the path of goodness.  So much for that thought and yet we still continue to push this long outdated and frankly false lie.  Evil has no power except for the power we give it and if we give it we can certainly take it back but many of us feel better about ourselves when we are able to allow evil to use us because this takes away our responsibility for the choices and decisions that we make.  At least that is the false lie we keep telling ourselves because we all know that nothing we do here on earth will ever go unnoticed and each and every decision we make will be used against us on judgement day. Evil resides on the hearts of man and only that particular man or woman can exer...

How labels are destroying this nation with the help of religion

It’s becoming quite clear to me as to why many of us feel that God does not exist and it is not because of what we know is true but what we choose to accept as truth.  We know, within the very being of our soul that God does exist and he exists within each and every one of us.  We know that the true spirit of God is the image in which he created all of us and we know that what is on the outside of anyone is not anything close to the real spirit that dwells inside.  We know that we are much more alike than we care to admit and we know that righteousness is not a rite of passage or heritage but an innate sense that each of us have which compels many to do the right thing even when a force much larger is determine to convince us to do wrong. We get this sense of belonging and this sense of right or wrong not from God, as religion would love for us to believe but from man.  At no time did God ever divide us into blacks, whites, Hispanics, Asians or any other racial ...

The NBA goes Hollywood

One of the best things about watching team sports is seeing the raw talent of many different style players being meshed together to build a nearly unstoppable force whether it is on the field or the court.  It did your heart good to see a well-played game come down to the final seconds and the true determination of a team willing itself to victory when it first looked like their number was up.  I’ve seen money, millionaires and corporations attach themselves to a sport and through their sheer will of influence turn a sporting event into a franchise played for the flavor of ownership and ignore those truly dedicated hard working people who pads their pockets, the fans.  The advantage used to be the team which wanted it more, now it’s more about the owners whose connections are better. For the true fan, it is becoming painfully obvious that the NBA has gone the way of Hollywood and instead of pitting talent against talent, it’s turn against turn.  Many of us was l...

If you want to know why we are in the mess we are in, the lack of Pride

Pride used to be something that we all felt when we accomplished a goal that we set for ourselves and the majority of the time it was not a goal for all to see or hear about.  That is the major difference between pride and arrogance.  Pride makes you smile from the inside as you recount accomplishing that goal while arrogance makes you smile only when someone sees and comments when you have accomplished something.  We used to take pride in mostly everything we did, which elevated our attention to detail and level of work but today that sense of pride does not exist and we simply only do enough to get by. There used to be a time when we sought to do a better job than we did yesterday not for the sake of the company but for the sake of ourselves.  Coming home at the end of a hard day used to make us walk taller and broader but now coming home after a hard day’s work means that you had to put up with more drama than you did yesterday.  You come home angry and ...

The Only Real and True Affront to God is the Arrogance of Man

So many today wonders why this world is going to hell in a hand basket and is often perplexed as to how we can restore it but as evil will have it the solutions that they come up with never works and so frustration sets in and all hope is soon lost.  Well maybe we can help you restore that hope and regain your sense of balance which allows you to now restore the balance to the nation. Nothing makes fewer senses than trying the same things over and over again the exact same way expecting a different outcome but it is something that evil tricks us into believing will work this time and we continue to play it the very same way.  Eventually, someone will have to wake up and smell the coffee brewing but until that happens we shall continue to be evil’s little poodle and keep chasing our tails.  Nothing makes this more clearer for me than an article by Moreh B.D.K. for Counter Current News titled “ British Police Call On Nation To ‘Save a Life, Surrender Your Knife’ As ‘Kn...

Daughters are the key to educating dads about women

Talk to many men and their number one issue with women is the inability to understand them.  Some men have went gone as far as to question their closest female friends or even secured the friendship of the most feminine of males to help them with this issue but I recently discovered that my youngest daughter was the key to my better understanding of women and this may be true for you as well. For example, when she is picking through her food, my first thought is that she must not be hungry or have a personal problem that she does not feel comfortable talking with me about but I have recently discovered that the main reason she does so is she is currently on her period and already feels bloated and in pain.  This explains quite a bit about her going off on her brother during these times for little to nothing.  This also provides me with an excellent opportunity to not only learn more myself but explain it in a male fashion to my son so that he does not grow up as igno...