To Make History or Become History, That is the Question-Rockford's Gettysburg Address
It is not often that a single choice can allow a city to effect history. It is not often that a city can fundamentally change the way all cities are funded. It is not often that a simple slight change of course could not only alter the way government works but prove an old adage true. That a rising tide raises all boats and Rockford, IL has an opportunity to make history and forever be remembered as the city that changes the course of human events. It should not come as any surprise to those who are truly paying attention, the old way of funding government has ran its course. It was first thought that an idea of funding from the top down was ideal but that soon failed because of the logistics and the true lack of willingness by those at the top. Some refer to this method as “trickle-down” economics and even though there are still those who think that if we keep trying it, it will work. There are many that know better. The other option w...