For anything to operate, there needs to be a process. This process can consist of many different things but there are a few common denominators that will exist in all of them. This requirement covers all actions, and the only variance is the degree in which each occurs. All behaviors are comprised of three other components which will always be present. First it is the event which spurs a thought, and this thought spurs a feeling which leads to our actions/behaviors, even personalities. Let us take for example, as a child you were playing in your front yard when a big mean dog charged toward you. Once noticing the charging animal (which is the event), there quickly appeared a thought as to the intending of the dog, then based upon that thought, you experienced a feeling (often fear). Based upon that fear, you either took flight or was frozen in place which is the behavior. What takes place now is recorded by the mix-match negative which is the only cognitive part of the amygda...