
Showing posts from September, 2011

Dispelling the GOP Talking Point regarding Raising Taxes on the Rich

Hedi Harris, a Las Vegas Talk Show Host used her time on the Ed Show on MSNBC to proclaim that this taxing the rich campaign was unfair because people who pay no income taxes could still get the earned income tax credit.   It was then that it occurred to me, the real meaning of this talking point for all those of the same mind as Ms. Harris.   After doing a little research and using my own personal experience, I decided that it was time to try and dispel this rumor. The earned income tax credit was designed for those that don’t earn a high income and mostly for the low to moderate income bracket.   What that really means is earned income credit is just what it says.   If you do not have any earned income for that year and meet the minim gross income amount, you will not be able to get this credit.   In other words, no earned income, no credit.   Now we all know that if you can take this credit, you must have earned some money during the year from which...

Rand Paul’s opposition to pipeline safety bill is Dereliction of Duty.

We ask our military to make the ultimate sacrifice for this nation and its people and we assume that sending politicians to state and federal institutions would do the same.   This apparently not the case involving Kentucky Senator Rand Paul and a bill to strengthen safety rules for oil and gas pipelines. According to an article written by Joan Lowy for the Associated Press titled Senator blocks pipeline safety bill on principle, “a senator who opposes federal regulation on philosophical grounds is single-handedly blocking legislation that would strengthen safety rules for oil and gas pipelines, a bill that even the pipeline industry and companies in his own state support.   Republican Sen. Rand Paul's opposition to the bill hasn't wavered even after a gas pipeline rupture last week shook people awake in three counties in his home state of Kentucky.   A deadly gas pipeline explosion near San Francisco last year — along with other recent gas explosions and oil pipelin...

Anything can be Racist, if you look hard enough

Dylan Stableford ’s article titled “Was the Associated Press transcription of Obama’s CBC speech ‘racist’?”   begins with the premises that “by most accounts , President Obama gave a fiery speech at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation's annual awards dinner in Washington, D.C., on Saturday, telling blacks to " quit crying and complaining " and support him in the fight for jobs, according to the Associated Press.”   His premises could not have been further from the truth.   The speech was given in front of the Congressional Black Caucus but it was the same wording used in several other stops that day and was not particularly directed any specific group.   Don’t take my word for it, do a little research on his travels and other speeches given that day and prior days.   Mr. Stableford goes on the brief us that “on MSNBC, the African-American author Karen Hunter complained the news service transcribed Obama's speech without cleaning it up as other outlet...

John Boehner’s Number two maybe his Judas.

It appears that President Obama is not the only leader who’s facing opposition by Republicans and Tea Party members to keep him from getting a second-term.   It seems that House Speaker John Boehner is feeling the heat as well.   Boehner’s problem is not only his inability to control his own caucus but the primary leader of the revolution against him is his number two Eric Cantor. According to Andrew Taylor of the Associated Press in his article titled   House kills spending bill with disaster aid “ In a rebuke to GOP leaders, the House on Wednesday rejected a measure providing $3.7 billion for disaster relief as part of a bill to prevent a government shutdown at the end of next week. The surprise 230-195 defeat came at the hands of Democrats and tea party Republicans.   Democrats were opposed because the measure contains $1.5 billion in cuts to a government loan program to help car companies build fuel-efficient vehicles. For their part, many GOP conservatives...

On Furrowed Brow; Obama delivers his Jobs Plan

Hopes sprung eternal last night as I watched President Obama address congress and the nation.   I have to agree with some of the pundits who said that the speech mainly covered some of the same ideas that he and others had proposed before but the main difference, he meant every word. How do I know, replay the speech and look for the sign, the sign of a furrowed brow.   When you see this sign, it should let you and all those who read this know that he was not kidding.   The first few years, Washington had an opportunity to work with him and if they did, all of them would have flourished.   After seeing some willing to drive this country off the side of a mountain instead of showing him the slightest sign of respect, he has made a decision.   I am still willing to work with you but at my pace and not yours.   I’ll give you what I want you to have and your only win will come at my discretion.    President Obama put on full display why he is so h...

America’s time to take the lead in the Terrorist Fights is now

I have been searching for quite some time to find investors willing to help me bring my patent-pending Bomb Detection and Containment System to market and with this new threat, now is the time for America to take the lead.   My new innovation will not only detect and contain bombs worn by suicide bombers but also all types of vehicles as well.   America is looking for the next stage of manufacturing which will not only creation millions of jobs but make those three words that President Obama spoke of last night in his speech of “Made in America”   more true now than they ever have been.   These bomb detection devices could be used in airports, train terminals, bus depots or any place where the public gathers as well as set up to screen any and all vehicles entering and exiting any facility, building or grounds all over this world.   We could be the first to introduce this type of security measure which will not infringe on anyone’s personal space or subject...

Libya’s next step to restoring their country

I had said long ago that this conflict would be over in six months and while the ruling body is now getting its country together, many are still focused on find Muammar Gaddafi.   While I can understand their need to locate and secure him, I would like to offer my opinion on what they really should be focusing their efforts on. According to Maria Golovnina and Sherine El Madany of Reuters in their article Battles erupt around Gaddafi-held towns in Libya , “Muammar Gaddafi loyalists fired rocket barrages at fighters besieging two Libyan towns still under the deposed leader's control on Friday as fierce fighting erupted a day ahead of a deadline for their surrender.   They unleashed volleys of Grad rockets at forces of Libya's National Transitional Council (NTC) north of Bani Walid and east of Gaddafi's home town, Sirte, Reuters witnesses said. The NTC has given Bani Walid, 150 km (95 miles) southeast of Tripoli, and the coastal city of Sirte until Saturday to give up pe...