America’s time to take the lead in the Terrorist Fights is now

I have been searching for quite some time to find investors willing to help me bring my patent-pending Bomb Detection and Containment System to market and with this new threat, now is the time for America to take the lead.  My new innovation will not only detect and contain bombs worn by suicide bombers but also all types of vehicles as well. 

America is looking for the next stage of manufacturing which will not only creation millions of jobs but make those three words that President Obama spoke of last night in his speech of “Made in America”  more true now than they ever have been.  These bomb detection devices could be used in airports, train terminals, bus depots or any place where the public gathers as well as set up to screen any and all vehicles entering and exiting any facility, building or grounds all over this world.  We could be the first to introduce this type of security measure which will not infringe on anyone’s personal space or subject them to any kind of radiation as claimed by those who currently have to step in to the now used detection devices.

According to Eileen Sullivan and Kimberly Dozier of the Associated Press article Officials chase unconfirmed al-Qaida bomb threat, “U.S. counterterrorism officials are chasing a credible but unconfirmed al-Qaida threat to set off a car bomb on bridges or tunnels in New York City or Washington.
The intelligence suggested that al-Qaida planned to car bomb one of the two cities that were hit 10 years ago.”  Since other avenues to attack this nation are more guarded than the use of “lone-wolves” and “car bombs”, these seem to be the possibly best ways to try and create chaos and confusion.  No one knows when this door to take the leadership in this field will close so how long will we wait before we decide to get in the game.  The only thing left for us to do is locate the finances to get these devices into the marketplace; the hard part has already been done which is to design and test the product.  American ingenuity is alive and well in this country but without the aid of those who can fund these innovations, the best ideas may have to come from overseas.


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