The Infidelity of Man
Be it known to all who read this that I am not an expert in relationships, dating or human nature nor do I play one on television. I am only a mere layman with the power of observation and that power, which is shared by all of us, is where I come from with this revelation. I am sure that you have read or heard of hundreds of articles about why people cheat but none that I have ever seen or heard of have mentioned what I consider the number one reason. Many have been preaching that the reason men cheat is because it’s part of their DNA or some animal instinct. I think these reasons are just an excuse and with any excuse if you play it long enough people will start to believe it and do nothing more than except it as fact. Many preach that the reason women cheat is because it is to even the “playing” field for both the sexes or just plainly to get even. Again, it is my belief that these are excuses and fall along the same line as previous stated. ...