Texas Judge Discipline of daughter is proof of parents going over-board

You-tube video of a father and mother disciplining their 16 year old daughter has created a firestorm about child abuse.  Texas Judge William Adams and wife Hallie was shown using a belt to whip daughter Hillary because she was caught downloading music from the internet.  To Hillary the punishment did not fit the crime and according to wife Hallie, she was forced to participate. 

While I am a strong supporter of this form of discipline, I am saddened that these parents took it way too far.  I have always advocated that before any parent begins this form of punishment, they need to first remain calm, explain the reason for the punishment and then proceed following the rules as they have set down.  No offense is worthy of striking a child more than 3 times and in most cases once.  What this demonstrates to me is the lack of control by both parents.

The Aransas County Court-at-Law Judge appears to have been influenced by anger instead of resolve.  He may have been upset by something that happened at work or being upset at someone else besides his daughter.   His daughter just happened to be the one who paid the price.  The wife saying that she was forced to participate does nothing for me except fill me with anger that anyone would allow this to be a ritual in their home. 

I have lost my temper several times when it comes to dealing with teenagers who know everything and refuse to listen to anything.  I have wanted to beat my kids several times but through the years have also learned that consistent and prolonged beatings only lead to doing more harm than good.  Loving your child is willing to temper award and punishment with compassion and understanding.


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