The Determination of History to Repeat Itself is Due to our Cowardice to Stop It


America has always been the land of opportunity however we have become lax in our efforts to ensure that this right is made available for all of us to achieve and enjoy.  Far too often, those who see themselves in a position of authority or great wealth begin to confuse themselves with an idea that since you may be thought of as successful, means your now have the power and authority to dictate to everyone else. This lying power makes those allowed to flex it feel bigger and better than they really are.  It gives them a false sense of righteousness and security over all people, places, and things which must be corrected before we completely lose our very humanity.

Every last one of us knows this is wrong but history has allowed these individuals to exercise this false position of power without consequences and punishment. Every one of us is guilty of sitting on our hands and waiting on someone else to save us instead of finding our own intestinal fortitude to save ourselves.  We have allowed superficial differences to separate us from our only true job which is to continually ensure that every single human being has the opportunity and exercise his or her right to pursue happiness.

Because we choose to cower in the face of taking this action, the history of those who have getting away with crimes committed against those that have-not continues and will continue until we finally find our spine, our backbone, our intestinal fortitude to stop it.

History is like a merry-go-round which has presented us with iron-clad proof, time after time, that power corrupts, and unchecked power will corrupt the entire species of any kind.  Consider these as examples of how the few have always tried to control the many.

The Texas Rangers were formed in 1823, (some say 1835) to perform the task of patrolling the borders of Texas (previously named Tejas) preventing and quelling attacks to citizens from the Karankawa Indian Tribe, Comanche Indian Tribe, disgruntled Mexicans, and others who wanted there beloved Tejas back which had been a part of Mexico before the Mexican-American War. These “good citizens” became unbridled and allowed to perform unsupervised by lawful people, that it had to finally disbanded in February 1848 because they went far becoming severely corrupted, and yet we failed to heed this lesson and in the year 1915, allowed an Imposter group to co-op the name Texas Rangers go unchecked before finally holding the top man in charge to account in February after eight (8) Rangers murdered fifteen (15) Mexican-American citizens during a night raid called the Porvenir Massacre.

Today, the stakes a far higher because now we have Maga Republicans under Donald Trump who seek to do far worse by casting this country that we all claim to love into a dictatorship.  Not enough of us seem to care that Mr. Trump appears greatly influence by Vladimir Putin and is following the directions as dictated from the number of calls he has and are making.  Those who were in a position of authority introduced him to the life of “me now and forever” but never bothered to check his passion for chaos, so he continues. 

Those that seek to control a woman’s body, the books we can read, the lessons we can teach in schools, and any other selfish cause that suits their agenda at this hour.  Those put in place to prevent this erosion, are far to cowardly to stand up and stays hidden under the kitchen table and those who stand up hesitates because they fear retribution from people who are very good at talking but lack that same degree of courage to act. 

For me personally, these are the groups who existed in the flesh before and introduced these very same ideas the last time they were here and the reason they are back to reintroduce them again is because they were never held accountable the first time.  We need to begin right now and take people at their word and actions as the only sole indication of their intent and not justify those actions by turning a blind eye.  History will continue to spin round and round, repeating itself over and over again until we learn the lesson it is attempting to teach us and make the necessary changes to where everyone stands accountable regardless of perceived wealth, position, or status. 


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