Listen to the Voice of Your Soul


During the second week of conception as the fetus grows so does the brain but the only cognitive part of it, at that time is called the Mix-Match Negative or MMN.  The MMN has but two tasks, first being telling the fetus when it is time to form all of the organs and parts of the body and the second is to begin recording everything that occurs as well as the fetus’ reaction to them.  These instructions or messages are sent to the temporal lobe to be housed and disseminated as needed.  This dynamic creates our “normal” which often times manifest as our core behavior. 

Knowing this allows us to change our normal/behavior if we so desire and alter the way we see, feel about, and even absorb things. For example, whenever something new and frightening happens to us, we revert back to our only option and learned a solution, which is to cry, we learned this behavior when we were snatched out of the womb and the only really safe place we knew.  Our only defense to this action/birth was to cry and we did not stop until we were able to feel some sort of security, compassion, and ease again.

At that time, we all stepped aboard this merry-go-round called history both in our private and our public lives, touching not only us but those around us as individuals and the collective. From that moment on, not knowing that this merry-go-round will continue to turn and the only way to stop it is to get off by making slight but educated choices to step down. Since we were never informed that we had this enormous power, we fail to use it and therefore continue to spin around and around until some loses their minds and go against their very essences of who they are, or they find other ways to prevent the dizziness produced by the spinning.


If your feel yourself eager to please, perhaps it is because when you were growing up your made an attempt to please those closest to your but to your it was not appreciated and because we crave love, acceptance, understanding, compassion and so many other things, you may seek to satisfy that hunger from others. Maybe your find yourself settling for relationships that your already know will fail because that’s all your learned by those surrounding your and since you have not experience with any other kind sinks to the depth of possibly not deserving more or better.  These and many other things can be changed once your come to see, hear, feel, taste, and believe that only you have the power to change this dynamic, then take the steps necessary to do so. 

No other person can bring to those pieces that your soul is missing except you.  They can give you the courage to seek change within yourself, but they can never make those changes for you.  This is the merry-go-round that we find ourselves on in this situation.  Thinking that we can save others, or they can save us when all along we knew that saving ourselves can only be done by one person and not by any other spiritual being.  Yes, don’t kid yourself, you were born a spiritual being, and the power is yours.


In this search for the acceptance and appreciation of who we think we are, we tend to gravitate toward like-minded people or others who speak as we do, think as we think, and act as we act.  This becomes the collective idea that we are all the same and belong together but what is later found to be missing is the stark realization that we are indeed similar in a lot of ways, but we will never be identical.  It is not our similarities that make us this spiritual being but our differences.

Differences that are articulated clearly to anyone willing to listen that provides us the perfect opportunity to help so many of our fellow humans by setting an example of how it really should be to stand on your own convictions while respecting others chosen positions, thereby fulfilling one of the greatest of the only two commandments delivered to us by God’s only son.

By sharing our true thoughts and feelings on all subjects discussed with us, we demonstrate how very vital it is to be open and honest with not only others but most importantly ourselves. Now no one has to guess who we are, nor do we have to accept others definition of who we are.  We set our limitations, expectations, and experiences by being the captain of our own ship and educating others on how we wish to be treated by treating others that very same way. So many of our personal issues can be solved by simply remaining true to the voice of our soul.


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