Does Media Obsessions create Graven Images

I ask this question after seeing maximum coverage of Paul Ryan entire story because he might be chosen as Mitt Romney’s Vice Presidential pick. It got me to thinking of how the coverage from all forms of media from politics to pro athletes, from movie idols to music legends. How we elevate average people because of the job that they have, the amount of money that they control or the amount of influence they wield.
They may be movie stars, jetsetters, important people and big business but if you took away all that they have in tangible assets, they would be just average people. They put on their pants the same way each and every person put on their pants, on leg at a time. So why do we chase them, worship them, fear them and hang on their every word?

Many of us claim to be Christians and when it is convenient we use our faith to make our point, but we do not hold God in as high esteem as we do those average people. We know that this is one of the most horrendous sins, we can commit, yet we do nothing to stop committing it. We elevate gangsters, certain sections of society, political players, professional athletes and every one else but the Lord. We wish to know how they live, what they eat, how they feel and who they like better than others but we fail to find out anything more about God. We choose to follow the will of man but we ignore following the will of God. Just calling your self a Christian does not guarantee your salvation, acting and living according to his will does.


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