My Favorite Moments of the DNC Convention
My favorite moments was less about speeches and more about, sometimes, missed actions by those who participated. The little things that makes one heart sing and reinforce your belief in the goodness of people.
One of these was the sincere look Michelle Obama had on her face when she spoke about how her husband sat and read those letters, committing and re-committing himself to doing whatever he could to ease their pain. Another was hearing Joe Biden tell us how his first question was always “How will this effect the lives of everyday people.” For a person to make this there first priority means that he surely seeks to answer to a much higher power than delegates and donors. I was touched by Bill Clinton’s real reaction when he turned to see Barack coming toward him on the stage. The bending at the waist was a real reaction and not a staged one. The embrace that both man shared and the closing of their eyes to soak in the true meaning of their relationship. The almost teary responses by both Michelle and Joe should have been enough to melt even the most crystallized of hearts.
There was a moment where I believe that Barack did smack his wife on the butt after kissing her on the left cheek with his right hand. The look on the youngest child’s face to learn that she had to go to school the next day. The crossing of the stage by Gabby Gilford and the proclamation of Michelle’s biggest and most important job as Mother-in-Chief, but the largest and strongest effect was when President Obama admitted that he too seeks God’s wisdom, is not afraid to pray on bended knee and is man enough to admit that he makes mistakes too.
This was not the case at the RNC Convention and with the consistent negativity, drove me to choose another station to watch during their time on air. I remember the time when both party conventions were a time where America could get involved and find the answers that they seek about their visions for this country. It was and will always be expected to hear negatives regarding the opposition party but not to the extent that it encompassed their entire speech. Hopefully soon, the Republican Party will return to us, as it was once and stronger than ever.
There were other memorable moments at the DNC Conventions, too many to mention or remember at this time. I am under no false impression that there may be moments I’ve missed and moments others captured that I missed, but I know that seeing real people react to each other in real time made this one of the best conventions I had ever took part in.
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