
Showing posts from October, 2014

What if all that we know or think we know is wrong?

In the beginning God created the heavens and earth and all that was in it and on the seventh day, he rested.  What if this was the only truth that we have and the rest of everything else that we have been told as children and reinforced to us as adults is wrong?  Things like how and why this world was formed adding how the universe was created and all that we know.  I woke up this morning with this thought on my mind and the more I thought about it, the more things began to make sense.  Now I know exactly what many of you are saying who may be reading this.  You are worried that I have been inhabited by some alien being or Satan to mislead you.  If that is what you believe than that’s okay, you are free to believe whatever you wish.  But make no mistake, I am not here to mislead you, I am here to get you to thinking about all things man-made and question the motives and actions of all of us especially of yourself.  Listen to what  I've ...

When is Vigilante Justice Justified?

Ever heard the saying “never take the law into your own hands” yet is that not the case when vigilante justice is being propped up and approved by governmental and law enforcement agencies?  Some may argue that this is just one tool for law enforcement to keep us and our streets safe but to them I ask, safe like Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown and the multitude of others shot or killed by police that don’t get reported to the media or to the public.  Talk about a slippery slope, how much easier is it for those valiant Americans who claim to be guarding the borders but go a little too far in that effort?  The only guard that this nation has to ordinary people dispensing justice on their terms was the fact that those who do may face prison time themselves but maybe all that is changing since Hollywood has and is producing more superhero movies which makes us all feel like Captain America. Take for example the article published by our local WREX-TV which reports that “a p...

Child Exploitation begins at Home

Romans chapter 6 verse 20 says “when you are a slave to sin, you are free from obligation to do right,” so could this be why many of us refuse to even consider that what we are doing or about to do is wrong.  If we can convince ourselves that what we are doing or thinking about doing is justified, then we can convince ourselves that we are free from doing right even though in our hearts, mind, body and soul we question it.  If it has never been brought to our attention that what we are doing or thinking about doing is wrong then how could this be a clear indication that we are a slave to sin but if it has and it gets us to thinking but we still proceed is this proof that we have chosen to remain a slave.  You wish to break free from sin and stop being a slave to any man or anything but most of us do not know how.  We try and try but still we fail to rid ourselves of sin and when we are overtaken by it, we feel embarrassed to own it by confessing it which leads u...

My how the Might have Fallen

If you wish to know just how powerful Satan is look no further than this article written for Cop Block titled “ CUYAHOGA FALLS POLICE: CIVIL FORFEITURE OF ALMOST 800K ”  in it is reported “On Thursday they posted on their Facebook page about an arrest they made of a local barber. After the arrest was made, a search warrant was conducted at the home of the person who was arrested. During that search warrant officers discovered a large deal of cash in the residents safe.  Cuyahoga Falls Police officers and local media outlets are calling this find the largest drug bust in the city’s history. The only problem is no drugs were found. At least no mention of drugs has been made by anyone involved in the investigation.  The owner runs a barber shop which is an all cash business.  He makes $70,000.00 a year and he only spends $30,000.00 each year that leaves him with $40,000.00. He has been a very successful barber for over 20 years. That explains the large sum of money in ...

Quinn delivers more jobs, now isn’t that what this mid-term election is all about?

Some people are still wondering just what this election is all about.  Many do not see the advantages that they have because for some reason the nation as a whole recovering does not appeal to them as much as how they are recovering.  For some it’s like a slap in the face that when this economy was going over the edge, we all felt it in our hearts and we all reached out to do our part to keep it from going completely over.  Now that it is doing better and even better than those who knew even thought it would, America is still broiled in this confusion of wrong direction or right direction.  People please remember we are not supposed to nor are we designed to agree with every decision made by those we hired to govern but to not embrace the wins as much as we choose to acknowledge the loses is ludicrous.  This mid-term is much more important than many wish us to see.  It is the difference between where we were and where we are.  It is the difference...

The Illusions of Grander Epidemic

America’s focus in upon the Ebola disease and the damages it could do to this nation but there is a more damming and destructive force which has been running rampant in our communities for years and is only getting worse.  It is the “illusions of grander” disease and it has now become an epidemic.  This disease seems to effect those with a little bit of authority and holds a prominent position within our communities.  It’s a disease that medicine will not fix and can only to erased if given the proper attention from the public. If you are looking for an example, look no further than this article written by Zach Noble for the Blaze titled “ Small Town Deploys ‘Military-Style Maneuvers’ to Collect 75-Year-Old Man’s Debt. ” The article reports that “the tiny town of Stettin, Wisconsin, is home to fewer than 3,000 residents, and one of those residents, 75-year-old Roger Hoeppner, has been engaged in a lengthy legal battle with the town over how he uses his land, the Milw...

A Veteran’s Attempt to Educate Idiots Attacking Military Troops with PTSD

You can always tell those who have never served one day in the military, they either have the ultimate respect for them or a serious disdain.  For those who have the ultimate respect, nothing makes a veterans feel better than to know that what he/she done was appreciated but for those like Michael Savage who seems to have nothing but pure disdain, I’d like to say walk a mile in my shoes mister then jump on your high horse during your radio show after you put down the medication. I read an article titled “ The Junk Science Behind Michael Savage's Attacks On Military Troops With PTSD ” by Lisa Reed who reported that “Last week, Michael Savage leveled his latest in a long string of attacks on Americans with mental illness and the medical community that works to help them. After a veteran caller with  Post traumatic  Stress Disorder (PTSD) expressed support for the city of San Francisco naming a bridge after the late Robin Williams, the right-wing radio host announc...

Child Support, a State -Sponsored Scam

Many people believe that the best way to show you love your children is through money and states have even gone as far as to make sure that they get in on that act as well.   Apparently all men who do not pay child support do so because they are deadbeats and the only excuse they use is the excuse of being unemployed. So what really happens to that money which falls in arrears? State legislators have an answer for that and in collaboration with the courts; they have designed a system where even if you do not have a job, they can still place the stone of a deadbeat around your neck.  It doesn’t matter if you are unemployed because now some states are allowed to slap you with child support based on a 40 hour work week at minimal wage.  Now if you still can’t force an employer to hire you, they take it a few steps more by having the state revoke your driving privileges and make a derogatory entry on your credit report.  Don’t know what highly educated person c...

Congress really lives up to their name and definition

I was sitting back one day ranting and raving about how the public has allowed those in congress to get away with not doing their jobs while they have been less than understanding with the Obama Administration.  I could not understand how those elected to congress could tell so many lies on the campaign trail and never be forced by the public to live up to just one of them while this president is on a roll to accomplish every goal he set for himself in the years he has been in office.  It was when I decided to take a breath that my wife stepped in to ask me a couple of questions. The first was did I know what the definition of the word congress was.  Of course I didn’t so my answer was no but after she told me, I began to see why possibly the American public may be giving congress a pass.  She informed me that the definition of congress is a group of baboons.  Now while that may sound mean to some, think about it for a few minutes.  A group which appea...

Indiana Serial Killer Vann Exposes our Law Enforcement Agencies Two-fold

One must wonder about several things that has grown out of the article from Crown Point, Indiana regarding Darren Deon Vann “a suspect in the killings of seven women in Indiana.  The first was the lack of reporting those missing, if true, after what many states declare as “waiting time”, the second would be as the desire or lack of desire that law enforcement put forth because of the occupation that many of the women had and finally the withholding of that information from civilian authorities if Vann attempted these acts while serving in the Marines.  Was this not placed in a priority position because of their occupation and or because it did not get reported.  Neither of these questions may ever be known but they are worth exploring. It was reported that “Vann, 43, so far has been charged with strangling a 19-year-old woman in a Hammond motel Friday night and officials say murder charges in the deaths of three of six other women found in vacant buildings in Gary ar...

Why Black on White Hate Crimes are no seen as such

Ran across this article titled “ Former Marine Brutally Beaten as Revenge for Ferguson; Told Waffle House ‘Not Safe for Whites’; Race-Hustlers Silent ” written by Jennifer Burke.  Was first lured to it because of the title former Marine and being one myself, had to try and find out more about what she was reporting that happened.  What I got out of the article was not that this is truly a hate crime but the constant ramblings of an ideological writer whose idea of reporting the news turned out to be nothing more than an opportunity to rant. The article reported that “Now, it looks like we potentially have our first case of a vengeance based hate crime by individuals who targeted a white guy in the name of justice for Michael Brown.  Former U.S. Marine Ralph Weems, a 32 year old white male, was left with life-threatening injuries after being followed by a mob of 20 black men then beaten. Prior to the attack, Weems, who is a veteran of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, en...

Family Questions Jail Time of Miami man in Medicare Scam

Received an article titled “ Miami man gets 15 years in nation's biggest Medicare therapy scam ” in which it is reported that “a Miami physician's assistant who was described by his lawyer as a "bit player" in a nearly $200 million mental health scheme to swindle Medicare was sentenced to 15 years in prison on Tuesday.  But it could have been worse for Roger Bergman, 65, of Miami, who was facing up to 25 years under federal sentencing guidelines for his supporting role in the biggest mental-health clinic scam ever orchestrated against the taxpayer-funded Medicare program.  Bergman, convicted in July of a fraud conspiracy, conducted bogus evaluations of hundreds of patients and falsified their records to dupe Medicare into believing they needed the costly therapy services, according to trial evidence.  Bergman is among the last of about 40 defendants who have been convicted in the high-profile criminal case of American Therapeutic Corp. The Miami-based company, with a...

Veterans Affairs Officials Wimps Out when Confronted

According to an article titled “ VA Moves to Prevent Veteran Violence Over Disability Claims ”  “Veterans Affairs officials want to change when soldiers can view some of their medical records online, fearing veterans could become violent if they see negative comments and think their disability claims will be denied.  Veterans must get a medical exam as part of the process for filing a disability claim for a service-related injury. Within days or weeks of the exam, veterans can see the doctor's forms or notes by using the "Blue Button" on My HealtheVet, the VA's website for health records.  A group of department officials said Monday that they fear veterans could see the notes from the exam, assume from this partial picture that their claim is being denied, and take out their anger on local VA officials. They voiced their safety concerns Monday to members of the department's Advisory Committee on Disability Compensation at their meeting this week in Washington. ...

FDIC Board aims America back toward the Economic Cliff of 2008

Well here we go again America, just when we started to see some excellent signs of recovery, a group of some of the dumbest smart people in the world takes the wheel and aims us right back toward that economic cliff that we was once dangling from only a few short years ago. According to an article from the Associated Press “new U.S. rules aimed at getting banks to take on more of the risk when they package and sell mortgage securities are being relaxed with an eye to spurring broader home lending.  Federal regulators have dropped a key requirement: a 20 percent down payment from the borrower if a bank didn't hold at least 5 percent of the mortgage securities tied to those loans on its books.  The long-delayed final rules unveiled Tuesday by six federal agencies include the less stringent condition that borrowers not carry excessive debt relative to their income.  The rules, proposed in stricter form in 2011, were mandated by the overhaul law enacted in the wake of th...

The Fortune of Power

Much has been made about the recent rash of police shootings and their over-zealous ways of dealing with the public from the Trayvon Martin murder to the Michael Brown killing to taking the law into your own hands like Michael Dunn, but what many may not wish to see or even hear is that the road has already been paved for more violence brought on by the very ones who are granted the power to serve and protect. I take this stance after reading an article titled “U.S. Dept. of Justice reveals plans to investigate Baltimore Police Dept.” in which it reports that “ after years of alleged police brutality, the U.S. Department of Justice revealed plans Monday to investigate the Baltimore Police Department. The Baltimore Sun found that the city has paid $5.7 million in court judgments and settlements in 102 civil suits since 2011, and nearly all of the people involved in incidents leading to those lawsuits were cleared of criminal charges. Some officers were involved in multiple lawsuits...

Christians, How Great Thou Not

A couple of things here that I would like to discuss.  The first being our fixation with developing a definition and refusing to modify or amend that definition even if presented with a decent reason to do so.  Our love for opposition, controversy and discord instead of our strong desire to solve our problems, compromise on issues and respect the rights of another. The first thing I wish to discuss is my detection of a trend here that when you talk compassion, people automatically assume you are talking leniency or allowing those who offend to get off scot-free. I think it is time that all of us re-define what it means to be compassionate.  Allowance of anyone to remain blameless in any situation where it is clear that they made the choice to be in that situation is not compassion, it's stupid and no lesson can be learned from that.  You can hold anyone and everyone responsible for their actions while realizing what caused them to violate.  Understanding is...

Judge shows true disdain for women must make his mother proud

I have heard plenty of times how those who are supposed to leave personal feelings at home and not bring them to work are able to do it.  Well this judge clearly cannot and my only question now is, how he was able to hide this and get his seat on the bench. In an article titled “ Judge scolds Atlanta attorney for showing up in court with her baby ” by Brigid Schulte for The Washington Post, she reports on a situation where a judge denied a pregnant attorney/mother the luxury of taking care of family first so that she could be more professional at her job.  The article reports that “in September, Stacy Ehrisman-Mickle, an immigration attorney in Atlanta, agrees to take a new case. She learns a preliminary hearing has already been set for October, when she expects to be on her six-week maternity leave. Not to worry, she tells her clients, two other judges in two other cases have granted her requests to delay hearings. She’s sure theirs will as well.  He  doesn't ....

Pumpkin Riot in New Hampshire says something else to me

In an article titled “ Whites riot over pumpkins in NH and Twitter turns it into epic lesson about Ferguson ” by Scott Kaufman for Raw Stories is much more than just a group of white people making a mess out of the annual pumpkin festival in New Hampshire.  For some, it is as this article reports “Police were forced to descend on Keene, New Hampshire Saturday night after students and outside agitators turned the city’s 24th annual Pumpkin Festival into “a destination for destructive and raucous behavior.”  “One rioter, Steven French, told the Keene Sentinel that he traveled from Haverhill, Massachusetts to attend the festival because he knew it would be “f*cking wicked.”  “It’s just like a rush. You’re revolting from the cops,” he continued. “It’s a blast to do things that you’re not supposed to do.”  “The police viewed the behavior of French and his cohorts less favorably, barricading streets and firing tear gas into crowds in an effort to disperse them.” For t...

Past Adventures of Hunter Biden dashes hopes of ever seeing a President Biden

Sometimes the decision whether a politician will run for anything is not left up to them but sometimes members of their family.  This may just be the story of why America will never see a President Joe Biden in the White House.  It will not be because Joe Biden would not make a good president nor is it because Joe Biden could not win; it is simply because of events which even though are outside of his control can be played quite well as events that he could have controlled.  Perception can be a very cruel mistress. The final straw could possibly be found in this article titled “ Sources: Hunter Biden leaves Navy after drug test ” written for the Associated Press in which it states that “ Hunter Biden, the youngest son of Vice President Joe Biden, has been kicked out of the military after testing positive for cocaine, two people familiar with the matter said Thursday.  The Navy said that Biden, a former lobbyist who works at a private equity firm, was discharge...

Cowardly Jihadis now uses their own Children to hide behind

In this era of people using religion to hide behind while they commit acts not recognized as decent and good by any Bible, I thought I could never be amazed at the lengths Satan would go but I learned today that I was wrong. In an article titled “ Jihadis take their kids to war; moms fight back” it is being reported that what “started out as a father-and-son trip to Kosovo's western mountains in July. It turned into a months-long ordeal for an 8-year-old boy who was taken to war-torn Syria by his jihadi father.”  It was further reported that “Extremists in Syria are apparently encouraging jihadis traveling to join them to bring children, intent upon proving they can establish an Islamic caliphate, compete with devout families. In addition to the fighters who sometimes bring their children, teenage girls and young women from Europe and elsewhere have been targeted for jihad and ultimately enlisted to help in babysitting, according to interviews with security officials and famil...

Ebola Infections Proves Hospital lack of Leadership and nothing more.

Throughout the years since the creation of this nation, America has learned by trial and error.  It is something that many of us today without even thinking about it and unless we begin to make changes to this, we shall continue to learn that way.  What I mean is simple, it took a severe case of polio to infect those on this shore and many died before we created a cure and learned how to deal with it.  This is the same case here dealing with Ebola.  America felt no need to prepare for Ebola when it was first discovered because it was not happening here so we ignored it and underestimated it until that day in Dallas when Mr. Duncan came to visit and make marriage plans with his fiancée.   The Texas Hospital had no earthly idea what it was dealing with and only after the CDC entered the picture did they began to get a real clue of what they had.  Mr. Duncan died a hero because the things that they did wrong in his case will be the guidelines used to...

We Are Indeed Our Brothers and Sisters Keeper

For years we have been under a false impression, that the choices that we make as individuals only affect the decision maker or maybe those close to them but we are wrong.  Every decision we make will affect another person whether it is our intent or not.  This is why we must consider each and every decision we make and prepare ourselves to be ready to take responsibility for that decision. As human beings, we have a built in defense to even considering how our decision affects others and that is the defense that they are not us, they do not know us, they don’t look like, talk like, or act like us and especially they are not my brothers and sisters.  All of these excuses are wrong and it should be made clear that when we speak of brothers and sisters, we are not talking about man’s definition of brothers and sisters, we are simply talking about God’s definition of brothers and sisters.  In God’s definition, all human beings are our brothers and sisters because w...

No One in America is Free and Liberated

You say that you live in a free and just society but you lie.  This society is not free and it is definitely not just unless you count the numerous times when the rules favored you or an event happened to satisfy your need.  If you count those times then perhaps you may have a point but I ask you.  When the rules favored you or that event happened to satisfy your need, how then is society free and just if during those times those same rules or that same event was unjust or binding to another.  Unless you wish to redo your calculations of what free and just really mean but only to you and now say that this society is free and just whenever the rules favor you or an event happen to satisfy your need and to hell with everyone else.  Then perhaps you may have a point. I vocalize this rant to try and get as many people to see that the old saying holds true.  The old saying is “we are our brothers and sisters keeper”.  Whether you wish to admit it or no...

The Strength of ISIL

No matter how many times I say this, it appears to go unheard in our massive but small community of readers and seekers of knowledge.  One can only assume that those who need to read articles like this are not or are simply refusing to accept what is said. The question still remains the confusion of how a group that many call a group of rag-tag radicals can operate in such an efficient military manner.  There are those who still cannot fathom how this is possible.  Well once again, let us attempt to make it clear.  You can operate in an efficient military manner if you are able to secure and enlist the help of those with military proficiency in their background.  All you need to do is offer them enough money to sell you their very souls and even give up their lives.  See, many who fight for ISIL or other groups, do not truly care about their philosophy, they only care about the number of trips to the bank that they can make.  The old saying “eve...