Pumpkin Riot in New Hampshire says something else to me
an article titled “Whites riot over
pumpkins in NH and Twitter turns it into epic lesson about Ferguson” by
Scott Kaufman for Raw Stories is much more than just a group of white people
making a mess out of the annual pumpkin festival in New Hampshire. For some, it is as this article reports “Police
were forced to descend on Keene, New Hampshire Saturday night after students
and outside agitators turned the city’s 24th annual Pumpkin Festival into “a
destination for destructive and raucous behavior.” “One rioter, Steven French, told the Keene
Sentinel that he traveled from Haverhill, Massachusetts to attend the festival
because he knew it would be “f*cking wicked.”
“It’s just like a rush. You’re revolting from the cops,” he continued.
“It’s a blast to do things that you’re not supposed to do.” “The police viewed the behavior of French and
his cohorts less favorably, barricading streets and firing tear gas into crowds
in an effort to disperse them.”
those few, it was only a group of white kids acting out, these wanta-be thugs
and trouble-makers are quickly dismissed as if they really did not have a
message or a reason for doing what they did.
Wonder if the media will be even interested in their reasoning or story.
others the story was about “white privilege” as clearly defined in one tweet
that was featured where it was voiced, I’m paraphrasing, that “white people
tossed beer cans at officers and got arrested, Michael Brown threw up his hands
and got shot dead”. Knowing the media,
this will probably be the angle that they use to drum up more viewers and
me, this action told me another story.
It was not a story that had anything to do with color even though many
will try and make it seem that way nor was it about blowing off a little
steam. I think this was all about those
rioters getting fed up with how diverse our communities are becoming more and
more each day. How people are first judged
by color instead of character and how those of authority seem content on
allowing this division to grow instead of doing what they were elected to do
and that is seal the chasms.
currently in political office is often heard talking about sealing the borders
so that no one we do not want can get in.
Well the youth and future leaders of the country are saying something
else. Before you attempt to seal the
borders to keep others out, seal the borders that exist between people who are
already here.
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