
Showing posts from October, 2015

Scammers Target Veterans too bad for them they chose the wrong group

Just when you think Americans can’t drop any lower than they seem to have already, here comes a group of Americans whose idea of getting ahead is taking advantage of the freedoms that veterans won for them by using those freedoms to advance themselves standing on the necks of those same veterans.  With veterans suffering from already high unemployment, those of us who find it hard to secure jobs are now approached by weasels like this group claiming to have the prefect job for us only to learn later that they only wish to use us.  It all begins with a letter like the one you see below, then escalates to money laundering which seems to snare not those scammers and tricksters but the unsuspecting veteran, his/her family and others. Dear Applicant, Our recruitment team has reviewed your resume via VET Boards and We are very pleased with your listed qualifications and would like to conduct an online interview to discuss the duties within the job, along with the pay sc...

Polls do more to reveal the real Donald Trump than anything else

For quite some time now, people have been trying to pull back the thousands of layers of Donald Trump to reveal who he really is and what he is truly about.  The public is quite well aware of the “blow-hard” tough negotiator and elite business manager he claims to be.  The public is well aware of how much of when he speaks is less about the specific of what he is or would do if elected and more about how wonderful and special he is.  The public is well aware that Donald Trump thinks so highly of himself that he is trying to help the public understand just how stupid they would be if he is not elected.  What the public may not have known but is beginning to see being uncovered is a more revealing Donald Trump, exposed by the latest Iowa and one National Poll and solidified by that one statement made at a campaign event after Trump learned about it. When Mr. Trump was asked about the 2 Iowa polls that had him trailing Dr. Ben Carson, he dismissed them as small pol...

Atheists beware your Truth is Crumbling

Atheism is defined as “a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods” and the most famous of all is Bill Maher who currently a show on HBO has called “Real Time with Bill Maher”.   For years he has made it a point to say to anyone who will listen how corrupt religion is and how silly we are for believing in an all-powerful being that we cannot see.  While his take on the subject is funny and some of what he says is true, the idea that there is no God, I strongly believe is false.  Now make no mistake, this does not place me at odds with anyone who thinks differently than I nor does it make Bill Maher and others my enemy.  What is does do is allow me an opportunity to present my case either in their presence or not as to why there is a God and why we all should stop pretending and start being honest with ourselves. The number one argument that I hear is “if there is a God, why do he let bad things happen”.  Now when I was firs...

The Key to correcting your Child’s Development Parental Involvement

First please allow me to say that I was one of the most argent detractors from those people that I referred to as “eggheads” when they first came out with this thing about “parental involvement” being necessary to help children develop better.  I was one of the ones who claimed that it was just a few “know-it- all ” who was attempting to shift the blame from educators and teachers doing their jobs.  After seeing evidence of this just a few days ago and thinking back to all the times this happened that I did not capture makes me wish now to ask all those for their forgiveness because I was wrong. It took a matter of ten minutes to turn my failing daughter in math, spelling and reading into someone who now cannot only do the math assigned but has advanced to geometry.  She now craves reading and was recently excited about reading the dictionary.  This from a child whom we were told just a few weeks ago was reading at a lower level than others her age.  Ten mi...

Khloe Kardashian is a Class Act

We all should have heard the story of Former NBA Basketball Star Lamar Odom and how so many may be attempting to use this tragedy as a stepping stone to some sort of fame.  Mr. Odom is reported to be still hanging one even though it is also reported that some of his organs have failed but what we have been is the actions of a very classy lady who may have gotten her fame from reality TV but has consistently shown herself to be totally real. Now please don’t get it twisted, I do not like this new genre of television called Reality TV because in my world, there is nothing real about it but to see the behind the scenes movement of Khloe Kardashian would make even a most ardent evader of reality shows want to watch more of her.  We all can surmise that this event is quite devastating to those who truly love Lamar, not those who just pretend and by the actions of Khloe; you can’t help but feel that this lady has nothing but real love for her husband.  I say this because ...

The only Problem with Goals

We hear people telling us all of the time that the one thing we need to establish within our lives are goals.  Levels within our lives that we would like to achieve in order that we feel satisfied with life at the end of our term or successful.  We call it a legacy or something that we can look back upon in our golden years to show that the many days we existed here upon this earth was indeed fruitful and not a waste.  We tell ourselves this in order to feel better about the times we fail to act or fail at fulfill.  Now while I must admit, goals are a good thing to have, I do agree that goals are for the reasons previously stated.  My own personal take on a goal is that it can measure your seriousness about accomplishing the mission you have assigned to yourself and not some idea that others have saddled you with but like all things there is always a good and a bad. The only bad thing that I can come up with when it comes to setting goals is not that some a...

The Arrogance of American Justice

There is not much that can get my dandruff up more than seeing an official abuse their authority or say one thing while doing another.  You see this a lot in politicians, promising one thing on the campaign trail but seemingly to quickly forget their first few hours in office but they are not as closely related to the community as a whole than those elected to sit on our benches in our courts.  Most Americans see this place as the only place left on earth where they can get a fair shake and the impartiality of those wearing that robe would listen, hear and understand their plight, provide them with a sense of belonging and even help where ever they could.  Today’s justice is not benched with judges such as these but people with their own agenda, their own bias and an overwhelming mixture of self-importance.  This can clearly be seen in the case reported by an article titled “ Florida judge berates domestic abuse victim, sentences sobbing woman to jail ” by Melissa C...

Who or what is your Enemy exactly

An enemy is defined as “a person who is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something” while the Urban Dictionary defines enemy as “a former friend or acquaintance whose company is no longer considered to be beneficial to a relationship”.  Now I don’t know about you but man’s definitions of words we have used so often and have come to believe in are in serious need of renovation when it comes to the realization of the public today. These definitions should clearly show why there is so much hatred in this world and how we have been lead to believe that this hatred is justified.  These definitions tells us that it is okay, fair and just to look upon anyone who opposes, disagrees with, or cannot understand us to be tagged as an enemy and therefore destroyed.  We wonder why all this hatred comes from and we wonder how we, as a just society, could allow such actions to be a common part of our lives, well we need to wonder no longer.  We are the reason for all t...

Defeat is only possible with your permission

When we talk about the word defeat, it is often times in the realm of how it is defined as a verb.  The verbal definition of defeat is “to win a victory over (someone) in a battle or other contest; overcome or beat”.  But yesterday, I learned something new and created a new phrase which is the topic of this conversation.  Yesterday I learned that defeat is only possible with your permission.  Think about it. The definition says to win, overcome or beat but unless the person, place or thing that you win a victory over, overcome or beat feeling like they or it has lost, your defeat of it is only in your mind and not seen by anyone else or witnessed by history.  This may explain why so many of us tend to tout our accomplishments via a resume, personal conversation or over any media that we can get our hands on.  We use these mediums to demonstrate that we are winners because we have been conditioned to believe that the opposite is worse and no one likes t...

Question asked by Oregon shooter could be just another Selfish Act

After reading so much about this coward who shall remain nameless within my portion of this article, I have heard several speculative observations but the one that seems quite consistent is the one which says he targeted Christians.  Now many who repeat this are also quick to point out that the targeting of Christians was his main focus along with becoming famous and like so many others, all this reading has given me a speculative observation that I would like to share.  My observation is born after reading several things about this coward but mainly comes from an article titled “ Oregon shooter said to have singled out Christians for killing in ‘horrific act of cowardice’ ” by Eli Saslow, Sarah Kaplan and Joseph Hoyt for the Washington Post.  In it you shall find “ investigators including cyber-experts and hate crime specialists peered Friday into the life of a 26-year-old gunman whose massacre across an Oregon campus may have been driven by religious rage and a fascina...

Child Suicide on-school grounds shows lack of accountability of school and parents

As it is often the case, we spend more time trying to find others to blame for something that went wrong instead of trying first to find out where we, as individuals, went wrong.  While filing lawsuits may correct the behavior in some, it only fuels the many and makes us even more determine to not first look to ourselves for an answer but depend even more on the answers to come from others.  While the below article is a sad time for all of us that breath air it is also a lesson on how we can begin to correct this problem if we could only see deeper into that image that stares back at us in a mirror. The article is titled “ Parents sue Florida school district over bullied son's suicide ” written by Tiffany Walden for the Orlando Sentinel.  It is a story about a complete failure on all parts which resulted in a young life being extinguished but it is also a story about a young life making a serious choice and while we mourn this young life we should also celebrate his ...

This is why how you see yourself is far important than how others see you

I remember growing up watching shows like “Adam-12”, “Emergency” and “Chips” along with “Baretta”, “Dan August”, “Ironside” and “Perry Mason”, all of these shows lead me to believe that the world was simply black and white, good or bad, right or wrong.  It made wishing to choose good and because good often always won over bad, as a kid I wanted to be on the winning side.  I share this with you because I think, this may have been the same reason the subject of the below article choose to put forth the efforts necessary to earn wearing the uniform of the Providence Police Department.  It may also have been the reason his son, stood side by side with him when they refused to just stand by and watch a crime happen, when they choose to stop sitting on the sidelines and get into the game.  The major difference is my results of dreaming and achieving can never compare to what happened to him and his son. I speak about an article titled “ A Black Officer Finds Himself O...

America’s newest Get Rich Quick Scheme Backfires

I, like many, are not above suing another person or company if I believe that they are purposefully deceiving me and many times if you offer me any kind of settlement, I will first look at the money instead of the principal but this would be designed to aid in my quest for enormous wealth and while I do not begrudge anyone discovering their pots of gold, I do draw the line at those who stand on the necks of others only to later claim a more lofty calling. Those who are wronged should be able to receive restitution but to collect pennies while those who claim to care about your plight and can feel your pain collect major dollars is another case of standing on the necks of others.  Just received this notice and there are a few points that I would like to share with you. “Claim ID: BXISQ-KKURM-ZILNA NOTICE OF PENDING CLASS ACTION AND NOTICE OF PROPOSED SETTLEMENT PERKINS V. LINKEDIN CORP. You are receiving this e-mail because you may have used LinkedIn's Add Connections...

Pope Francis Brief Meeting with Kentucky’s Court Clerk is Proof of a Bigger Issue

Some people are visibly upset to learn that Pope Francis met with Kentucky’s Court Clerk Kim Davis and if what they wish to think that meant is what it really is then yes, they have a point.  Those appearing to be on the other side of the debate also have their own ideas what that meant and to hear them tell it, one could see even more clearly why those who listen to Pope Francis speak of all as God’s children and his admonition that we should treat others as we wish to be treated are upset but all this leads us to much ignored and bigger question.  To whom does opposition to Pope Francis meeting with anyone truly serves. According to an article titled “ Vatican Details Pope's Meeting With Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis ” written by Bill Chappell for, it is reported that “ responding to a flood of interest in the surprise revelation that Pope Francis met with controversial county clerk Kim Davis, the Vatican says the event shouldn't be seen as an endorsement of all of D...