Polls do more to reveal the real Donald Trump than anything else
quite some time now, people have been trying to pull back the thousands of
layers of Donald Trump to reveal who he really is and what he is truly
about. The public is quite well aware of
the “blow-hard” tough negotiator and elite business manager he claims to
be. The public is well aware of how much
of when he speaks is less about the specific of what he is or would do if
elected and more about how wonderful and special he is. The public is well aware that Donald Trump
thinks so highly of himself that he is trying to help the public understand
just how stupid they would be if he is not elected. What the public may not have known but is
beginning to see being uncovered is a more revealing Donald Trump, exposed by
the latest Iowa and one National Poll and solidified by that one statement made
at a campaign event after Trump learned about it.
Mr. Trump was asked about the 2 Iowa polls that had him trailing Dr. Ben
Carson, he dismissed them as small polls and would go right back to skirting
the subject of the question asked by whomever was talking to him. This all changed after word came that Mr.
Trump was now falling behind Dr. Carson in a national poll. At an event right after this news broke Mr.
Trump informed the members of his rally that if Iowa doesn’t get its numbers
up, he would never speak to them again and to please get those numbers up. I should not have to tell you how that would
sound coming from a President Trump to other world leaders in a meeting about
our national security.
those who call themselves “isolationist” this may mean Donald Trump is their
guy because if he does not get his way, he will take all his marbles and go
home. This appears to be his main tactic
and may have been used several times in his business deals but refusing to step
back and the light to shine on others is not his strong suit. This may have worked with the GOP
establishment when he used it to get his way in the debates but can you see
fear instilled in the eyes of this nation’s adversaries when he sits across
from them and uses this same tactic on them?
A bully is only a bully if the tactic they implore are allowed to work
and it appears that so far Mr. Trump may have just played his “ace in the hold”
card. Maybe now his book sales number
will grow high enough so that he can replace losing in the polls with how much
more his book is selling than the other candidates now that his number one talking
point is no longer.
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