What some PTSD Suffers need others to know
We understand that some of you wish nothing more than to help and reduce the burden this disorder has on those that they occupy but before you can help, you must first understand just what is happening to that person you love so much and would give anything to help but can’t. First you must realize that it is not all about you and stop thinking that you are failing because you can’t help. It is and always will be about the person suffering but when you switch it and make it all about you, the help that you could have given is no longer welcomed by the one who is doing the suffering. If you wish to help, I mean truly want to help then listen closely as I tell you what you can do. First get over yourself and realize that only those who want help will take it and not everyone who asks for help really want it. The best you can do in this situation is to listen without judging and without conversation. Just listen as they talk because the more they talk the...