
Showing posts from April, 2016

Children begin to learn hate at home but it continues within our Churches

Find me anyone who disagrees with this title and allow me to have a conversation with them, before long you will see clear and convincing evidence that this is more than just pure speculation, it is fact.  It will begin, as all things normally do, as a frank debate and civil discussion but soon it will elevate to personal attacks and in some cases violence because one of those speaking will run out of defenses for their indefensible behavior and resort to that tried and true method of dismissing, ignoring and cowardly act which is violence.  Begin to notice people, that those who turn to personal attacks do so because reasonable retorts to opposition of ideas are no longer available to them. To watch children play proves that they do not care what color that other child is as long as they play nice.  They do not care about color as long as the other child treats them with respect and as a friend.  They do not care unless they have reason to care and that reason ...

Parents are the number one killer of kid’s ability to dream

This thought occurred to me as I was looking at answering yes to all of my youngest daughter’s recent requests.  I surmised that since she has already gone through things that no child should ever have to endure at such a young age, that saying yes would make her feel and know that she was loved and appreciated.  It wasn’t until she kept asking for one thing after another that it dawned on me that maybe what I was doing was not actually for her but only to make myself feel better.  I dawned upon me that I was actually doing her more harm than good by saying yes to everything. I began to truly think about that concept of giving in makes them give up and the more I thought about it the more it began to make sense and possibly explain why kids today have little or no respect for anything or anyone.  The primary reason is the lack of a good example set by their parents, guardians or caretakers but a large factor appears to be our desire to try and make things better...

Could last days mean those of an individual instead of Armageddon?

Much of what is spoken about the Bible often includes the reference to the end of days or the rapture, as some like to say but all in all the final definition is called Armageddon.  To better explain, many people have begun to quote 2nd timothy chapter 3 versus 1 through 5 and some who read it will actually believe it to be so.  Funny how these same people can also quote the words that tells us that no man knows the date, hour or minutes that Jesus will return to earth, if indeed he returns at all.  So what would be the purpose of telling and reminding people what Paul wrote to Timothy in a letter if not to pass on bad intelligence or it is truly what they believe.  If it is truly what they believe then I can respect that but if it is for any other purpose then we all should stand up, step up and call them out.  To help you do this I am going to type directly from my Bible 2 nd Timothy versus 1 through 5 for you to read, then I am going to tell you what my tru...

Is it true that God does not care if today’s Religious Leaders are rich?

There is a really good reason why you sometimes find yourself scratching your head when you hear any religious leaders say something that you feel is incorrect or just plain wrong.  We tend to forget that the same reasoning used by them to justify not trusting any other religion besides the one that they are pushing is that it is a religion not of God and the quoted scriptures of those books are simply words written by a man.  They seem to wish us to believe that only those who can quote book, chapter and verse of certain passages are expert and especially if they were awarded a certificate or diploma from some school that specializes in religious teachings but we know that even satan, himself, could quote the Bible. One of the many lies some religious leaders wishes us to believe is that God is okay with them being rich in material things and not in deeds but as with many other things, you know deep within your soul that this is wrong when you hear it but because so many...

Are the Myth of Hell and the Power of Satan Over-exaggerated?

If any of you are a frequent reader of mine and a listener to my Twist of Faith episodes, you have probably figured out that I love to make people think about things by presenting them in a way that may answer some questions but inspire others.  For me, I have always been a little unfulfilled by the speeches and lectures of the Christian religion and in the beginning I was always wondering if it wasn’t just me because it appeared that everyone else was okay with it.  Only after surviving these fifty plus years and learning everything that I could about anything that I could have I come to realize that questioning the status quo is a good thing as long as you are willing to accept the answers you find.  This desire to question was sparked when a friend of mine posted this saying on Facebook.  “ I live for the moment the Lord knows I'm going to die when I get to hell the Lord knows I'm going to fry ”.  Just those few words got me to thinking that maybe what we ha...

Why the Veterans Affairs and Administration does not work for Veterans

I attended a VA workshop yesterday, Saturday, April 16, 2016 at the regional VA Office in Chicago to help with a pilot program that is designed to help ease and lower the high number of appeals for disability and discovered that the number one reason that these agencies appear not to be working is not just the policies and procedures but mostly importantly the personnel. The policies and procedures are normally handed down by those in charge but these policies and procedures are composed by the input of those in the position to help shape them.  If the opinions and experience of those who served are not voiced as passionately as they should and those expounding those views are not willing or able to demand better treatment of veterans, then the voices with no experience except what they were told or paid to say wins out.  This is the gist of what is happening right now.  That Veteran Service Officers (VSO) who are supposed to be the veteran’s representative does litt...

To be truly a Tool of God all you need to do is follow your heart

Found this story on Facebook and it appears to be posted by a John A. Pasko on April 8, 2012.  It has been reduced for brevity but I hope all who reads this get the gist.  “ I was walking around in a Big  Bazaar  store shopping, when I saw a Cashier talking to a boy couldn't have been more than 5 or 6 years old...  The Cashier said, 'I'm sorry, but you don't have enough money to buy this doll. Then the little boy turned to the cashier and asked: are you sure I don't have enough money?''  Finally, I walked toward him and I asked him who he wished to give this doll to. 'It's the doll that my sister loved most and wanted so much. I wanted to Gift her for her BIRTHDAY.  I have to give the doll to my mommy so that she can give it to my sister when she goes there.' His eyes were so sad while saying this. 'My Sister has gone to be with God... Daddy says that Mommy is going to see God very soon too, so I thought that she could take the doll with her...

Graveyard Bullies and Adrenaline Junkies releases another demon spirit upon the world

Sometimes a story comes along that makes me see so many different avenues of what it may truly mean that I sometimes don’t know exactly how to phrase them and then comes a story that seems to encompass all of them at the same time.  This is one such story and it comes via an article titled “ Police chase ending near Route 38, I-39 ends in suspect suicide ” posted by Audrey Moon on WREX dot com.  She reports that “ The Illinois State Police and the Ogle County Sheriff's Department say a suspect committed suicide after a police chase stemming from a car-jacking that ended at Route 38 and Interstate 39 near Rochelle in Ogle County.  Officials say DeKalb Police saw a vehicle stolen in an armed car-jacking traveling on Route 38. Police pursued the vehicle westbound on 38 until the vehicle was initially stopped with vehicle stop-sticks.  However, the suspect continued to drive, leaving the highway and stopping in a nearby field. Police say the suspect then shot himself....

State Agency tasked with protecting Children fails again at keeping them safe

Talk to any Child Protective Service employee and they will without a doubt proclaim that they are the true protector of America’s children.  They are allowed to proceed into your home based on a single unanimous phone call, snatch your children from the only home that they have ever known, rip up the only security blanket a growing child has and tear apart a family because they are the experts in child development and even though many cases are unfounded or the evidence found would not honestly convict a fly, they remain vigilant in their pursuit of their rights versus all others.  The courts refuse to administer equal justice simply based on the position and title of those representing these agencies and any defense against their sometimes wild and outlandish accusations is the defense you must provide for yourself because those provided by the courts are merely pawns and normally have little to no backbone when it comes to proper and accurate presentation of your side of t...

The Audacity of the American Public

We sit around all day everyday bitching and complaining about one thing or another.  We look for someone to blame for all the ills that affect this world and we are not satisfied until we find a scapegoat to blame all our problems upon.  Some days this is easier than others but all in all we remain determine to point a finger at somebody else while several of our very fingers are pointing back at us.  We find it easy to blame others because it keeps the focus off us taking responsibility for our own actions or in some cases inaction.  I am ranting and raving about the recent discoveries that have come to light thanks to the ease of the restrictions regarding the Freedom of Information Act.  The new rules from this current administration and the fight for transparency has brought to light information known by a few but kept from the many.  Information that casts a very dim light on the phrase, “Thank you for your service and we support our Troops”  I a...