There is no such thing as “white privilege”.
If you listen to all those who say that “white privilege” exists be sure to ask them how they arrived at such a conclusion. You may find that their arrival is strictly based upon those who are not held to the same identical account for the same crimes are disproportionally white. Now while this satisfies those who wish to keep us so concentrated on race that we over look an obvious primary factor it is not the truth and it is time someone attempted to open the eyes or those who wish to learn. If you ask those who think “white privilege” does not exist, you may find that the only reason they say it does not is to lessen the fact that many who are not held to equal justice are white and they do not have a better argument but they are too false in their assumptions simply because our eyes don’t lie and the story fills the headlines of our paper and news every day. Again what both these groups of single minded individual miss is the unseen and ignored damage that is...