The number one Issue facing Black America is Black America
don’t care how many times I brooch this subject, it still surprises me that so
many of us in the black community have yet to wake up and truly smell the
coffee. There are many things that Black
America should be proud of and find pride in like the millions of blacks that
greatly contributed to the building of this nation but instead of helping to
push the positive stories so that our children have more to look forward to
than a rap career or on some athletic field, we continue to do nothing about
making our rich history a much bigger part of the over-all American History.
hear many screaming racism as if it is the only reason blacks are not treated
equally as they should but when those in a position of power and can change the
course of this event fail or refuse to step up and stand up we just give them a
free pass. Many of these same people are
still pissed at President Obama because they thought his election and
re-election would make all others finally recognize us as smart, intelligent
and worthy people but why should they when those featured are subtracting from
any good that his election brought. The
only reason that some hate this president is not so much he is black but
because he has not added to their definition of what being black means. He walks around with an air of confidence
about himself and that bothers them. He
doesn’t run around taunting his success as much as those before him did and still
do and that bothers them. He quietly
puts you in your place when you attempt to upstage him and that bothers
them. Remember that famous picture of
Jan Brewer, the then governor of Arizona, waving her finger in his face? Much was made about that clear sign of
disrespect but what was never reported was the quiet conversation he had with
her regarding her actions and the fact that it never happened again. This is not the attitude and reaction those
who still hate him wanted to see. They
wanted to see him lose it, rant and rave and go crying to mommy but what they
got instead was a sure, confident and forceful Barrack Obama who may have quietly
told Ms. Brewer, “I’ll let you have your picture and you can make your claims
but if you ever try that again, I will own you”. How about when Joe Lieberman who had partnered with Republicans and had such negative things to say about Obama only
to be escorted to the back wall of the Senate by the same and warned not to see
his sign of kindness as a sign of weakness.
All of these and so much more was the signs those who define blacks as
lazy, shiftless, no-good, and niave were not the signs they thought they would
get and soon many of those who may still dislike him no longer hates him. That took about eight years to accomplish. Meaning is if Black America wishes to finally
be taken seriously about one of the major contributors of shaping a nation, we
need to start now and correct all the opposite actions that keep those who
think we are nothing but slaves running around acting like we are nothing but
one reason we are seen as inferior is not because we are but because the ones
who gets the most press acts and dresses like it. We want people to take our community serious
but we walk around showing our underwear as if we don’t care. Well get a clue, you highly educated extra-terrestrials,
if you don’t care then why and how do you expect to get others to care. If you do not mind showing your butt then
make no mistake, people are going to treat you like a butt. And as a friend of mine said of Facebook “we
spend “$200 for the shoes, $150 for the belt, $450 for the watch, $80 for the
shirt, $180 for the jeans, $50 for the hat but walk to the bus stop”. Does this sound like someone that anyone,
including ourselves would take seriously especially when you factor in the fact
that many of those spending that kind of money is barely making ends meet and spends
much less than that on the children they helped bring into this world. Make no mistake, children do not care about
color, money or possessions, they are taught by us to think about those
things. Children desire one thing and
one thing only to be able to present their mom or dad to other kids and to
spend a few minutes a day with them doing nothing except sitting next to them
and being able to look up and see them.
You want to give your children something that you did not grow up with
Black America, give them that.
two reason we are seen as inferior is not because we are but because of how we
treat each other. How can you expect a
bully to stop bullying, when they see you clearly bullying? You were convinced by others in the black
community that using the word “nigga” would take the power away from it and it
would stop being offensive, well how is that going today? Tell me, if anyone of another race,
especially a white person were to use that word in your presence, would you
feel just as offended or less offended?
I venture to say you will feel just as offended as you did before, so
how does using the word yourself diminish that?
If you care so little about yourself and your people to use a derogatory
term toward them, what makes you think that someone is not going to think that
it is okay to use that same derogatory term toward you? Your largest groups of customers for that crap
you sell on the very streets you grew up on are those who belong to your
community, so if you show complete disregard for others in pursuit of purely selfish
gains, why would you think anyone else of any color would do any better? You say black lives matter then show that
concern and stop taking blacks lives yourself.
You want others to respect black lives; first you must show that same
level of respect before you and expect to see it in others. Why should cops care about any lives as long
as those from that very same community seems not to care either? You want something to be followed, you must
first follow that something yourself because if you are not leading the way,
you are just following and any fool can follow.
three reason we are seen as inferior is not because we are but because of the
words that comes out of our mouths and the contradictory way we act. Many of us keep taking about reparations for
slavery and that America needs to apologize and pay us for what some of our
ancestors endured during that time but to be factually honest, no one owes you
nothing, you owe it to yourself. You owe
it to yourself not to allow this country to fall back into those dark days by
getting more involved in your children’s education and voting to keep those
with like-minds of an inferior race from getting rewarded for thinking that
way. You owe it to yourself to make sure
that the lessons of the past are never repeated during your lifetime and teach
your children not to allow it to happen during theirs. We speak of the atrocities of slavery but we
refuse to support or even educate ourselves on the Native American
Holocaust. An act that killed millions
of American Indians who were only fighting to protect what they thought was theirs. An act that still holds the American Indian
to a reservation while blacks are a little bit freer to move around. We talk about the civil rights struggle yet
fail to see how Muslims, gays and other groups are being singled out and denied
their equal justice. How can you focus
on just those in your group and forget about the larger picture of equality and
then expect those who you wish to hold accountable to see the big picture?
you begin to see yourself as separate then so will all others. When you begin to see yourself as beyond the
law then so will others. When you begin
to see your Christian faith as a faith about none other than yourself then so
will others. You are the reason that
people do not see you as anything but what you show them. If you want someone to treat you like a human
being you then need to treat all others like human beings. Know this, that you are limited by the limitations
you place upon yourself meaning that no man, woman, or other human being can
prevent you from achieving anything that you wish to achieve because defeat is
only possible with your permission and you must allow them to limit you which
means you just gave them permission to do so.
If Black America were to begin carrying themselves with dignity, pride
and a little bit of humility, the rest of the world will finally sit up and
take notice and who knows in eight more years from that date, all that we
complain about now may just disappear.
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