The Obama Strategy for nixing the Pipeline
Many experts are wondering what the reason was for the Obama Administration’s denial for not approving the Keystone Pipeline permit and it simply can be put into two words “exposing hypocrisy”.
According to Deborah Solomon and Laura Meckler of the Wall Street Journal in their article titled Obama Says No, for Now, to Canada Pipeline “the Obama administration rejected the construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico, saying a congressionally imposed deadline didn't allow enough time to review the project's environmental impact. President Barack Obama said the decision, which put the pipeline on hold following a review that began in 2008, "is not a judgment on the merits of the pipeline" and criticized next month's deadline as "arbitrary." The administration suggested that the pipeline's builder, TransCanada Corp., could reapply.” This action worked perfectly and again made many in opposition of anything this administration favors do exactly what the administration wanted them to do. Run straight to the cameras to defend and confess their strong support for jobs and expose themselves as hypocrites.
This happened when a group of Republicans led by John Boehner and Eric Cantor made a bee-line for the cameras to demean this president for not creating any jobs. Never mind the millions of jobs already created or the fact that they refused to support the jobs bill which would have produced many more jobs than the pipeline. Now each time any one of them open their mouths to denigrate this administration involving pipeline jobs, it opens them up for “real” journalist to then ask if jobs were so important why then have they not proposed one jobs bill since being in charge nor supported the jobs bill offered by this president.
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