Simple Answer to Pipeline Dispute Escapes the Big Brains in Washington

I’ve read a little about the pipeline dispute but still can never really paid that much attention to it until now.  The earth-shattering issue seems to be more manufactured than magnificent.  It could be quite easily solved if all parties would truly be willing to fix the problem instead of playing political games.

Matthew Daly of the Associated Press reports in his article titled “Obama, Congress begin 2012 in oil pipeline dispute “that “President Barack Obama and Congress are starting the election year locked in a tussle over a proposed 1,700-mile (2,735-kilometer) oil pipeline from Canada to Texas that will force the White House to make a politically risky choice between two key Democratic constituencies.”  His article covers the enormous fight that would occur and how greatly President Obama would suffer with this choice.  While I can agree that some who supported this president in the past may be extremely pissed and pledge their loyalty to others but if they do then consider that they were never serious in the first place.  Any adult America knows that you will never get everything you want; we know that those things are worth fighting for but there are not too many of them worth dying or severely damaging your country for.

The article also discloses those same politicians admitting that this is nothing but the latest chess move but the article did not address how now, those who opposed a jobs bill which would have created millions of jobs can so strongly support this pipeline which may only reach around 6,000 jobs.  They say the issue is protecting the environment versus creating construction jobs.  The answer is quite clear and should have been obvious to many.  Protect the environment by building the oil refineries right there near where the pipes would cross.  You do not have to contend with Nebraska or anyone else worried about an oil spill and it would create construction jobs to build those factories in Montana.  Just a thought, I’m no expert just a regular mortal with a mind. 


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