The War At Home
Recent Congressional Actions have been played in the media as a sign of what certain groups of Americans think and believe about another. I speak to you today about the recent very deep cut in Food Stamps or the SNAP Program. To many it may appear that it is no big deal and in their minds and hearts they are justified in their hatred toward those who collect this service. To the quiet majority of those who accept this form of assistance, we keep our head down and hope that no one learns that we are the ones that those who see it as a “hand-out” will not see our names on that list. We quake at the thought that those who see recipients as “takers”, lazy, worthless, drug dealers, scammers or cheats, will look at us with those accusatory eyes and label us the same, that all we have accomplished so far in life will be wiped away and the memory of all the good we may have done will be forgotten and replaced by this scarlet brand. Well I hate to be the be...