Barack Obama-Peacemaker and War-Monger in Chief
President Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize, millions of people began to
look at him as weak and many thought that their mantle of Keeping America Safe
was safe. That was until his first major
test of the pirates taking over an American Ship and holding the captain
hostage. The normal workings of other
countries were to negotiate with the pirates, give them what they wanted and
get back their ship and personnel. That
was until Barack Obama stepped to the plate to take a swing at that ball.
To many surprise,
he ordered the killing of those holding that captain hostage and in the end not
only got back the captain, crew, ship and cargo but made all those dreaming to
one day become a pirate in that region quickly choose another line of
work. Somali Pirates used to be in the
headlines almost daily until they picked the wrong ship and the wrong president
to test.
Next came
the Osama bin Laden raid where many had spoken tough about getting him but no
one cared to make their promises a reality.
In steps, again, this Nobel Peace Prize Winner who had opposed the War
in Iran while others fell in line. A man
who had said that he was not opposed to war but he was opposed to a “dumb”
war. In the early morning dawn, while
everyone else slept, a group of six highly trained and motivated Americans
received the order form this same guy to go and get bin Laden. Again, this man pulled off something similar
to what other presidents had but he was successful.
Now we have
Syria, in which he has also set a precedent by going to congress first and
still you search for more and more reasons to doubt that he might have a clue
where others didn’t even know that game existed. Do I favor another situation where America
and my fellow fighting men and women may be dragged into another 10 plus year
civil war, no but I do favor allowing this president the favor of his own
history made in these types of situations.
part about this entire situation, speaking of the Syria airstrikes, is the
criticism was there when he did not act as quickly as others wanted him to
earlier in the Syria conflict, but now after giving Syria a mulligan on the
first use of chemical weapons, he sees no other real option except limited airstrikes
and now they still complain. It is
apparent to me that nothing this president ever say or do will suit those who despises
him not for what he has or is trying to do but who he is.
Some say Ronald
Reagan would do things differently and history tells us that’s true because not
only did Reagan refuse to listen to congress but he sold chemical weapons to
the very person Operation Iraq Freedom was all about. They ask how much an American fighting man or
woman life is worth but ignore them when they come home and no president has
done more for those same heroes than this guy.
They say that they have had enough war but many who speak has never
dodged one bullet and while we are on the subject of veterans let me put to
rest another assertions that is not true.
is the willingness to put your life on the line for the rights, freedoms or
protection of a nation and no one group personifies that more than our
veterans. But not only our veterans, we
can say the same about our police officers, fire fighters, teachers and medical
personnel as well. You see, when you are
deciding whether you wish to serve in any of these capacities, one of the most
important choices you will have to make is life or death. Every military member knows that putting on
that uniform could ultimately mean the loss of their lives yet many still
do. The same can be said about police
officers and firefighters. It is a
choice that they make freely and without coercion so respect that. It was a few whining mothers and fathers who
caused the military to change how they turned boys to men and a seriously
strong reason why there are so many coming home damaged if they come back home
at all. The military used to be about
training you to maintain, adapt, teach you respect and honor but not today’s
military. Today’s military is about
treating members like porcelain dolls instead of making them men and women of
Bottom line,
be careful what you wish for America because you just might get it. Look at this president’s history dealing with
events like this, consider that some information used to make this decision may
never be known and also think about what happens if those chemical weapons are
sold to help Syria maintain its civil war.
These weapons which could have been eliminated by these airstrikes but
we were too afraid to try or trust. Barack
Obama is not George Bush and if you do not believe me, compares a picture of
them both. Chuck Hagel is not Donald Rumsfeld;
even Stevie Wonder can see that. This is
not a return to the Iraq scene but you really do not need me to tell you that.
We are right
to have a debate when it comes to decisions of this magnitude but let’s have an
honest one and not one filled with lies and excuses. No one knows what will happen tomorrow which
is why decisions are difficult. It would
be easy to say what to do today if you knew what tomorrow would bring. All we can do is try and prepare for as many contingencies
as we can heading into the next day. Don’t
get it twisted because if those who claim to know everything did, wouldn’t they
have shared it with the rest of us as they now claim this president should?
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