Why the GOP is failing to remain Relevant

The number one reason why the GOP is failing to remain relevant is “lack of leadership”.  John Boehner, Eric Cantor and even Mitch McConnell seem to lack the ability to handle two things at once.  The GOP is vital to the health of this nation and we are in dire need of having at least two parties who may disagree how we get to a place but both agree on the need to be there.  This nation needs the yen to the yang, the left to the right.  We need two parties that are willing to sit down and discuss all points of the argument, coming up with decisions that serve this nation as a whole. 

We do not have this today and if those in the leadership positions do not get a pair and begin leading their party, this nation will suffer much more than it already has.  The party leadership could finally decide that this nation is more important than their jobs and put all those angry voices back in the can and on the shelf.  The evidence of how strong the Tea Party is supposed to be does not match with reality and adds to the confusion as to why so many GOP leaders are acting so spineless.  This may explain why Michael Steele was drummed out of leadership position in the GOP.  He still maintains his conviction of GOP dominance over Democrats but he is not afraid to give this president and his administration credit for things done right or speak the truth.  I am very sure that if allowed, he could be vital in repairing the past, present and on-going damages afflicted by the little children now running the show.

Ever wonder why those Tea Party rally crowds are never shown in full by the media.  If they would pull back the cameras, many would be surprised to the numbers.  These angry Americans are not as large as the media and their supporters make them appear.  If one would just look at the number of voters who claim Tea Party membership then compare it to the true number of “real” Republicans, you may be surprised to find that they may not even reach ten percent.  Tea Party leaders say that their contingents want to defund Obamacare and are willing to shut down the government for it but what about the contingents who may not like or care for Obamacare but do not want to shut down the government?  I would beat that the number of those who seek a shutdown is far outweighed by those who don’t.


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