Everyone Involved is the Cause of the Death of a 12 Year old Shot by Police
it to the headlines to hype a story and cover only the obvious points while
shaping the public’s opinion. The focus
has been that a 12 year old boy was shot and killed with a fake gun but if we
were to dig a little deeper and ask a few more questions, we may find that the
death of this 12 year old falls not only on the shoulder of the officer who
shot him but all those connected and involved.
This is a row, we must all hoe. The
article is titled “Cleveland Police
Shoot And Kill 12-Year-Old Carrying A Fake Gun” written by Zack Ford
for the Associated Press. The article
reports that “A 12-year-old boy died early Sunday from complications after
being shot in the stomach by Cleveland police. The officers believed that the
fake pistol the boy had been brandishing on a playground was actually real. According to Cleveland.com, someone called
911 describing “a guy with a gun pointing it at people,” but the caller twice
suggested the gun was “probably fake” and that the individual was “probably a
juvenile,” but none of this information was relayed to police. The officers
arrived at the recreation center and ordered the boy to raise his hands, but
when he reached for his gun instead, one of the officers fired twice, hitting
the boy once. Deputy Chief Ed Tomba explained at a press conference that there
was no verbal confrontation; the boy did not threaten the police officers nor
point the gun at them. They only learned afterward that the gun was fake — a BB
gun with the orange safety marker scratched off. Both officers, one of whom is
a rookie in his first year on the force, have been placed on administrative
leave, according to protocol.”
clearly many will ask about the rookie cop who shot this 12 year old boy while
also demanding that he be held accountable.
Some may even try and go as far as blaming the entire police department
for his death. Others may turn their
attention to a system of shoot first and ask questions later, while others will
seek to lay the blame on our affinity for guns in this country. All those are decent questions to ask and
answer to seek but there are a few more that needs to be investigated that few
ever think of.
like, where were the parents and who this child has been exposed to thinking
that it is okay to walk around the playground with a toy gun tucked in his
waistline? Questions like why the
dispatcher did not relay to the responding officers that the gun was probably a
toy and the waver of the gun was probably a juvenile? Questions like, if the dispatcher did relay
this information why the field training officer (FTO) of this rookie did not
make a plan of action before ever engaging?
Questions like, why the caller of 911 did not do more to make sure that
the situation could not have been resolved by making sure the gun was a toy and
the man was nothing but a boy?
line, we all bears some blame for this death, the remains of this event with
the family and the nightmares which will haunt this rookie officer for the rest
of his life. These are not and should
never be considered isolated incidents.
These types of events are linked and find their common ground rooted
deep in all of us. From those who swear
by anyone having to pry their gun from their cold hands to those who refuse to
even be in the same room with one. We
all bear some blame for the loss of a life that was only 12 years in the making
and the trauma that visited upon all those who happened to be present. This is all of our row to hoe.
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