Still waiting on those who cried about taking back their country to take back their party
For years many of us have been saying that in order for America to take back their prospective political parties, they must first remove big money but the Supreme Court and gerrymandering districts as well as the lack of true will from voters have done little in that regards. All parties are subject to big money influence but it appears that one party, in particular, seems to be strangled by it. Even though large donors get to have voice in the say of the Democratic Party, we are still allowed to look forward to things like the unemployment rate dropping, the stock market reaching new heights, the life-long wars end, the economy recovering, the deficit dropping and consumer confidence returning but for those in the Republican Party, nothing says more about where it stands that this article titled “ In Leaked Tape Mitch McConnell Admits The Koch Brothers Are Running The Republican Party” written by Jason Easley for Politicus USA. In it Mr. Easley reveals “Sen. Mitch McC...