The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend-GOP working Hard to Damage Country
consider it quite ironic that many of those who claim to love this country so
much would do whatever may prove beneficial to them or their cause to achieve that
goal at the expense of anything and anyone else. Image in one breath saying how much you love
your country and in the next, using language that gives those who don’t the
ammunition they need to prove to their followers just how bad your country
is. And to top this off, those same
mouthpieces has the audacity to say that their truth is not what anyone should
be focused on, it should be their enemies’ faults.
for example and article titled “Giuliani
in WSJ: 'I Didn't Intend To Question President Obama's Motives' written by Catherine Thompson in which she reports that “former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R)
on Sunday took to the editorial pages of the Wall Street Journal to try to
clarify his comments about President Barack Obama's love for the country. Giuliani told a conservative audience last
week including Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) that he didn't believe Obama
"loves America." That comment sparked a days-long firestorm and had
potential 2016 Republican presidential candidates jumping to tell the public
whether they, too, believed Obama really "loves America" or not. "My blunt language suggesting that the
president doesn’t love America notwithstanding, I didn’t intend to question
President Obama’s motives or the content of his heart," Giuliani wrote.
"My intended focus really was the effect his words and his actions have on
the morale of the country, and how that effect may damage his performance."
all of us who blog, tweet, post or comment on any subject, we need to be aware
that what we do is viewed by so many others around the world. Our words do have consequences and can be
used to make someone else’s point whether positive or negative about our
country. I can only assume that since
they could not beat him at the ballot box and stop him from fulfilling some of
his campaign promises in the White House, it was decided by the few who runs
and controls the many that this brand of belittlement was their only option
left. Just as John Boehner decided to
vote numerous times to repeal but not replace Obamacare or invite Israel’s
Prime Minister to speak to Congress at a most unethical time, the enemy of my
enemy is my friend.
Mr. Giuliani speaks about how this president never talks about American Exceptionalism
and how his words have an effect on the morale of the country but least he
forgets or just plainly don’t care so does his.
Any nation or individual with distaste for this president can now use
the very words spilling out of the hole under his nose to demonstrate why this
nation needs to be destroyed. As a
retired U. S. Marine, I believe that I have earned the right to chastise my
country if I think it is doing something wrong but that does not mean I hate or
don’t love it. Only one who truly loves
anything or anyone will have the heart to call it or them out when they may
appear to be doing something which could damage them or it. My belief of the very tenant which propels
this nation above the rest is deeply rooted in the fact that those who love her
will speak the truth about her and her history.
I believe that this is one of the unspoken inalienable rights and shall
never be tested or has to be proven but then I am not one who seeks to sell
their soul to the highest bidder, pushing a new book with my name on it that I
didn’t write, running for any kind of position or simply seeking my fifteen
minutes of fame.
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