You truly can turn someone’s Life Around with just a Gesture

Far too often we sell ourselves short and prevent ourselves from ever becoming the kind of Christian that God has always known us to be.  For those who still do not believe that the greatest dangers posed to us is that danger which is brought on by us, this story should give you all the proof that you need in order to see that what you thought was indeed the truth.  We are our worst enemy and only those we allow can break us down.  We often spend so much time blocking our own way and blame others for the obstruction.  Sad really, if you think about it, God gave us the power and authority over our lives, desires and direction but instead of us stepping up to take hold and control of them, we give that power to someone else in order to avoid being blamed or held responsible if they appear to go wrong.  You do not have to look for the larger things to show you just how special God knows that you are, look to the small things, the things you do each and every day without even thinking about it.  The things you do that makes you who you are and feeds the soul which is the true essence of you in the first place.

There is a story about a young man coming into Target to buy a clip on tie because he did not know how to tie one and these two ladies taking their time to not only help him with that purchase but one lady went even farther than that.  It begins “Target customer captures the touching moment store employee taught young man how to tie a tie for a job interview
Young man in a suit came in to Raleigh, North Carolina Target to buy a clip-on tie for job interview at Chick Fil-A Since they were all out of clip-on ties, he bought a regular tie and store employee Dennis Roberts offered to help him learn to tie it.  He then offered the young man some tips to ace his interview.  Ms. Audrey Mark posted the sweet photo online, and now both Mr. Roberts and the chain are receiving praise for the extraordinary act that went above and beyond customer service.  Mr. Roberts' coworker Cathy Scott was the first to greet the customer on Wednesday when he came in looking for a clip-on tie for his interview.
Since the store was out of the clip-on ties, she directed him to the regular ties but he didn't know how to tie it.  After checking out, Ms. Scott brought the boy back to her co-worker Mr. Roberts.
'Cathy says, "Can you tie a tie?" I said, "Yes,"' Mr. Roberts told WTVD. 'We took the wrapping off it, and I tied it on my neck, and fit it over head adjusted it and tightened it...fixed all his collar buttons and he was set to go.'  "It was a very quiet simple moment, but it was very profound honestly kindness... from strangers... in a Super Target,' Ms. Mark, a mother of three, said.’He leaves and all these Target employees are screaming 'Bye! Good luck! Tell us how it went.'"

Image how that young man felt when so many went out of their way to help him and the instructions he received from Mr. Roberts will prove valuable for the rest of his life.  Add to that his idea of needing a tie and getting so much more.  Image his confidence and manner when it was his time to interview.  No matter what happens at Chick Fil-A, that young man will only be obstructed from his destiny by those he let distract him but they will never control him.  He left Target with his head held high and his chest out and it became an even more blessed moment when all those Target employees began screaming goodbye and good luck.  This story will stay with him for the rest of his life and if it is God’s will he will return the favor one day.  These little things, people, are how you make someone’s day and yours as well.  Try it. 


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