Opposing retired Generals and Admirals of the Iran Deal join others with blood on their hands.
To say that I was disappointed to hear that any Marine Corp retired general and Navy Admiral signed onto a letter opposing and even supporting the Iran Nuclear Deal would be an understatement. I am disappointed because I thought expected more. I expected more because an enlisted man is supposed to be able to trust that they would set the example and have all of their ducks in a row before voicing any opinion whether in public or private. I am dismayed because it appears that none of them has ever really sat down and read the agreement. I am dismayed because it appears that many of those with whom we are supposed to see as experts in their field, has decided to base their support or opposition purely on what they heard or was led to believe was in it. These are the same group of parties that many families trusted with the health and welfare of their children and if this is an example of how they reached decisions about anything having to do with our military, no ...