The Best Thing that Happened at either Republicans Debates

Not much outside of media concentrating on WWDD (What would Donald do) occurred in the Republicans Debates except one of the most spectacular answers to a question anyone could have ever given.  A peak into what the majority of us would love to see more of and what we envision this nation’s political positions to always be.  I find myself agreeing strongly with some of the statements made in an article called “2 under-the-radar Republicans won big at the debate” by Brett Logiurato for Business Insider dot com.

Mr. Logiurato writes “The GOP debate's hometown candidate just gave a touching answer on gay marriage. This GOP candidate barely made the debate stage —but he might be the one to watch tonight.  Four years ago, at a Republican presidential debate moderated by Fox News host Megyn Kelly, a gay soldier asked GOP candidates a question.  "Do you intend to circumvent the progress that's been made for gay and lesbian soldiers in the military?" the soldier asked.  The crowd booed.  Fast forward four years to the first Republican presidential primary debate of the 2016 election — moderated, again, by Fox News host Megyn Kelly.  "Gov. Kasich, if you had a son or daughter who was gay or lesbian, how would you explain to them your opposition to same-sex marriage?" Kasich's answer left the hometown crowd in Ohio cheering.  "And guess what? I just went to a wedding of a friend of mine who happens to be gay," Kasich said. "Because somebody doesn't think the way I do doesn't mean that I can't care about them or I can't love them. So if one of my daughters happened to be that, of course I would love them, and I would accept them. Because you know what? That's what we're taught when we have strong faith."  It was one standout moment in a performance that earned rave reviews for Kasich, who barely even made the debate stage but ended up as one of its clear winners, according to political strategists and observers. Along with former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, who was part of the second-tier debate earlier in the day, the two under-the-radar candidates emerged with clear momentum from debate No. 1.  He sympathized with the sentiments of voters who have turned to Republican front-runner Donald Trump, admitting he had tapped into an "anger." And on the biggest potential stumbling block of his night — when he was asked about his decision to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act — he stressed a message of compassion.  "I had an opportunity to bring resources back to Ohio," he said. "To do what? To treat the mentally ill. Ten thousand of them sit in our prisons, at $22,500 a year. I'd rather get them the medication so they can lead a decent life."

This reporting seems to be an understatement of the effect Gov Kasich’s answer had on all those who have listened to it.  It defines what is meant by “blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God”  It underscores what the current president meant when he said that he was president of all people, not just black people.  In the face of so much opposition to anything he wishes to do and all the hatred of him by those who call themselves Christians and really should know better, he still stands tall.  Gov Kasich’s statement depicts the lesson the current Pope is attempting to bring to the Catholic Church even though there are those hiding in some dark room in some corner plotting his demise as he travels and meet with those that Popes before him was blocked from.  His statement clearly details what “true” Republicans feel and how they truly are instead of being portrayed as an American Extremist who wishes nothing but this country to fail so that they will be justified in reminding people never to elect another man of color or a woman.  That only a man identical to those before Barrack Obama can lead this nation and deserves to be in the White House.  His statement confirms what many Americans know whether Democrat, Republican or Independent, that this nation stands for and it primary principal.  These are but a few of the reasons I must strongly agree with the writings of Mr. Brett Logiurato but one item mentioned in his same article that I cannot agree with.

Mr. Logiurato wrote “She (Carly Fiorina) cast herself to a receptive audience as a political outsider; one who wouldn't be afraid to "throw a punch." She delivered harsh critiques of Democratic front-runner and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. And she wasn't afraid to throw punches at Trump, even tying him to the Clintons.”  This he viewed as a positive and what made Carly Fiorina one of his winners of the debate.  I disagree calling her a winner but she is a force.  I disagree because it is based on the fact that she showed she was not afraid to throw a punch but we all know that even the most frightened coward can throw a punch.  It does not take much to demean, belittle or bad-mouth another person, this is not and never should ever be considered courage.  Courage is standing up even when those closest to you strongly suggest you stay seated.  Courage is not following the crowd if that crowd is headed to a place you don’t want to go.  Any fool can follow but only the wise can lead.

John Kasich lead that night and if it is any indication of how practical and sincere he is, the Republican Party may have just found it’s best possible candidate to give Hilary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and the rest of the Democratic field a true run for their money.  If the GOP refuses to bring this man (Kasich) up to the top of their list, they not only fail their own party but they have just thrown our very nation under the bus.


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