Opposing retired Generals and Admirals of the Iran Deal join others with blood on their hands.
say that I was disappointed to hear that any Marine Corp retired general and Navy
Admiral signed onto a letter opposing and even supporting the Iran Nuclear Deal
would be an understatement. I am
disappointed because I thought expected more.
I expected more because an enlisted man is supposed to be able to trust
that they would set the example and have all of their ducks in a row before
voicing any opinion whether in public or private. I am dismayed because it
appears that none of them has ever really sat down and read the agreement. I am dismayed because it appears that many of
those with whom we are supposed to see as experts in their field, has decided
to base their support or opposition purely on what they heard or was led to believe
was in it. These are the same group of
parties that many families trusted with the health and welfare of their
children and if this is an example of how they reached decisions about anything
having to do with our military, no wonder we all knew that the true heroes was
not those sitting in those back offices but those brave men and women on that
front line.
article that took away any sunshine I had left about those we called our
commanders is titled “Retired
generals and admirals urge Congress to reject Iran nuclear deal”
written by Carol Morello for the Associated Press but posted by the Washington
Post. The article reports “A group of nearly 200 retired generals and
admirals sent a letter to Congress on Wednesday urging lawmakers to reject the
Iran nuclear agreement, which they say threatens national security. “The agreement will enable Iran to become far
more dangerous, render the Mideast still more unstable and introduce new
threats to American interests as well as our allies,” the letter states. Many of the signatories served in the White
House, under Democratic administrations as well as Republican. The only thing
they appear to have in common is that they consider the Iran nuclear deal a
threat to U.S. interests in the region and its own national security. Retired
Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney, who was vice commander of U.S. Air Forces
in Europe, said he considers the agreement the most dangerous nuclear accord in
U.S. history. “What I don’t like about
this is, the number one leading radical Islamic group in the world is the
Iranians,” he said. “They are purveyors of radical Islam throughout the region
and throughout the world. And we are going to enable them to get nuclear
weapons. Why would we do that?”
the letter was agreement was actually read, many may see that this does not
lift anything until Iran has met the necessary requirements for lifting of the
sanctions at each step. It also allows
inspections to help insure that they are proceeding as agreed and it does not
just blindly trust as it is depicted but the most important and often
overlooked part is it reduces the stress level of all of our military members
al little to know that another Middle East War is not just around the bend.
while we all know that these retired generals and admirals will never be those
on any front line so keeping the stress level high on our military may not be
in their best interest but the most disturbing thing is some of the names of
those signing this particular letter. I
first call your attention to what is mentioned in this article about “retired
Lt. Gen. William G. “Jerry” Boykin, who was deputy undersecretary of defense
for intelligence under President George W. Bush and is now executive vice
president of the Family Research Council.”
We know that the Family Resource Center has always had their agenda and
now this “officer and gentleman” is being paid to carry their water. The next two are “retired Vice Adm. John
Poindexter and retired Maj. Gen. Richard Secord, who were involved in the
Iran-contra affair in the Reagan administration, in which arms were sold to
Iran to fund the contras in Nicaragua.”
Now, unless I am mistaken many of the weapons used against our fighting
men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan had USA markings and originated through
the Iran-Contra Scandal. It’s kinda like
expecting a wealthy person to understand the plight and struggles of a poor
person. You may have been poor in the
past but that past is so far removed, a wealthy person just can’t recall the
difficulties a poor person feels.
think that before anyone places any stock in the words of politicians, pundits,
commentators and even retired generals and admirals, they demand that they read
the agreement first because many a wars have been started because of a
misunderstanding and failure of either side to quietly and maturely listen to
the other. Enough saber-rattling, it’s
time for us to grow up.
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