Republicans best Weapons against Losing, Polls and Democrats
the political media is all ablaze about the big win regarding the governorship
of Kentucky and Virginia keeping its House in Republican control, much is being
made about how those who won ran their campaign but to a novice political
junkie like me their reason for victory is much simpler.
was widely reported that Mr. Conway had the lead in the polls coming into this
election and because of that Republicans employed their next best weapons to
give Mr. Blevins his win. They deployed
the sheer laziness and lack of focus by the majority of Democrats knowing that
as long as the polls said their candidate would win, that their job was
done. It worked and will continue to
work until those who claim the title of Democrat, Independent or just plain
those who are tired of sending people to office who do little if anything to
serve them stay home on election day.
see little evidence that gerrymandering districts is the reason and I see
little evidence that uncovering lies and scandals work as well. I see little evidence that taking more days
off, like those in Washington, than they do actually work, that spending billions
of dollars on unnecessary investigations instead of using that money to help
those that they swore to serve see a better future does not land them in the
unemployed line either.
who call themselves Democrats, Independents or just plain tired bears as much
blame for the situation we find our nation in as those selected to serve in
these political positions. We are just
as guilty because we scream to the highest heaven about how bad they are but do
not do enough to make sure that they are rewarded for their inactivity. Our refusal to hold them accountable, the
only way we can, by casting them out of office is the reason the political
industry and so many others are infected with those who should have never even
been allowed to place their names on a ballot.
those of you who constantly complain about how Washington and other political
groups act but cannot find the time to rally against them and vote to remove
them from office, all I can do is ask you one big favor. Shut the heck up and deal with it because
your lack of doing all you can is just as bad as the jobs those you are
complaining about are or are not doing.
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