Judging people based on Religion is based strictly upon Ignorance
the wake of the San Bernardino shooting, so many have come to rest on the
untrue facts that the way to stop terrorist attacks here in the United States
is to stop all Muslims from entering or living here. If this sounds a little too familiar then it
should because it was the same reason many you spoke to assumed when it came to
the Jews, the Buddhist and any other form of religion that was not
Christianity. Wonder when we will learn
that if you seek to go to a different place than you have been, it may be
smarter to take a different route?
are willing to say that the Quran teaches Muslims to hate others but in saying
so are we not now teaching other Christians how to hate Muslims? What if it is discovered that the Quran is
nothing more than another version of the Bible?
What if we discover that those spoke so highly about in the Quran are
none other than those spoken so highly about from the Bible? Would that make us less or more likely to
hate them or speak ill of their religion if in doing so, we are actually
speaking ill about our own? Really, I
mean how can we hold a candle up to another religion when we can’t even stand
to have a candle held up to ours?
Quran says that “Humanity has received Divine Guidance only through two
The Word of Almighty God ("Allah") and
the Prophets inspired by the Allah to communicate His Will to mankind”. So could the one Muslims call Allah be the
same person we call God or Jehovah? The
Quran is said to “speaks to all of mankind on a general basis without regard to
race, tribe, color, social position, financial condition or genealogy”. So does the Bible or am I wrong in thinking
this? The Quran says that “Muhammad, who
up to the age of forty was marked only for his honesty and integrity, began all
of a sudden the authorship of a book matchless in literary merit and the
equivalent of which the whole legion of the Arab poets and orators of the
highest caliber could not produce”? So
since Moses wrote many, if not all, of the books in the Old Testament that is
far removed from poets and orators of the highest caliber is it so ridiculous
to think they may be one and the same?
Was not Moses at or near the age of forty before he was given the Ten
Commandments? The Quran speaks of “Adam
and his partner in a garden” and if I am not mistaken, so does our Bible. The Quran speaks about a character named “Iblis”
who refused to subject himself to Adam and therefore denied God and our Bible
mentions the serpent that was tempting both Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden
and also refused to bow to God’s will.
The Quran mentions Muhammad as the last prophet of God and if memory
serves, Moses was the last prophet of God before Jesus or do I have that wrong? The Quran mentions a town they call “Makkah”
that was hit by a famine and does not the Bible mention a town that was also
hit by a famine?
of how you slice it, there may be more that these holy books have in common
than they do in difference but as long as “evil, satan or Iblis continue to
lead the way, we will continually see hatred, envy, and jealousy in all who do
not look, think, act or worship as we do.
This is surely a shame especially for those who claim the title
Christian because within that name is the word Christ and at no time did Christ
ever over-look anyone and not seek to make better the existence of
everyone. We call ourselves Christians
but teach hate then turn right around and claim that this is what is wrong with
other religions how hypocritical is that.
We say that the terrorist are using the Quran to bring down our
Christian values when nothing within this world could ever bring down a real
Christian value. We say that we must
destroy those who use the Quran to dispense hatred and death to all those who
don’t see it as they do while all the time we sit idly by and allow these same
speakers to take the name of Christianity and conduct the very same atrocities
without a word or raising a sword against them.
Keep your rhetoric to yourself if you choose to ignore that Christ was
about helping those less fortunate than the wealthy, I will choose to continue
to defend those who cannot defend themselves and stand on the premise that we
are here to set the example of a great love from God above.
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