The real truth about Power and who wills it
checking my email and ran across this email from a group calling themselves the
Dream Defenders titled “No One Hand Should Have All That Power” in it talks about the power of social media
and how we as human being allows it to have so much control over our
lives. The over-all message appears to
be “Millions of our youth are internalizing the notion that democracy is the
ability to say and do as you please without the responsibility of consequences
or to a collective greater than oneself” and it calls for all of us to “think
of our responsibilities to others in everything that we do and build”.
I must say that I can see, understand and agree with their point, this email
made me began to realize that we, as human beings, do this with so many other
things including but not limited to social media. You hear it in the speech of mostly anyone
you come in contact with when they say, I would have done something different
had I been in charge and it has apparently worked so well for us that we have
now become making this a stable of our survival. It’s a shame really and may go further to explain
why this nation and its people are so far behind the eight ball that it is not
even funny. We often wonder why there is
so much division, hatred, jealousy, greed, corruption and completion but we
never seem to consider what the real answer is because many of us are afraid to
admit and own the decisions and choices we make each and every day. So let me spell it out to you and frankly you
can take it any way you wish because I have to answer to God for all that I say
and do while living in the flesh and not you, so if my soul gets condemned to
hell because of what I do while as a human being, then it will be done by me
and not on behalf of anyone else.
put nothing man-made will ever have power over anyone God made. This is not and never was possible. People wish you to believe that society makes
rules for us to follow and if you break them you are a bad person but I say if
the rules made are bad rules you are a bad person for not breaking them. You see, man can make a rule about anything
they wish but you are the ultimate decider as to whether you wish to follow
that rule or not. This was so prevalent
in the travesty of a trail that they put Jesus through. Heriot gave the people the option to cry out
for Jesus or cry out for Barabbas and the majorities choose the thief. No voices rang from the crowd to cry out for
Jesus and only after the skies darken and those who pushed this conspiracy
realized before their last breath that they had truly disgraced the God they
claimed so much to love, revere and respect did they wish they could have a
is the same for us right now. Each and
every day we face evil and look it square in the face, we make decisions and
choices as to whether to cry out and caste evil aside or to ride with him side
by side. We know the right thing to do
but may not have the heart, backbone or courage to do it so we become part of
the crowd instead of leading it. Only
after the decision has been made and the results are coming clear do we even
speak of it being a miscalculation and we then look for do-overs, but since no
mulligan will be granted after a decision or choice is made, we then elect to
blame it one someone else as if that will absolve us of our responsibility to that
decision. Know now people, that even if
other human beings let you get away with bad decisions, God will not and even if
you think that all you do can be and remain secret, I say think again. We all will be held accountable for our
choices and decisions we make whether we make them loudly or in silence. The only true power over you that anyone or
anything has is the power that you give it and if you give it, you can take it
back. You have heard that God only puts
on you what he knows you can handle well consider this. If God knows that there is nothing of this
man-made world that you cannot handle because you have the power to strike it
down and make it mute, why would he not allow you to bring evil upon yourself
if for no other reason than to learn humility.
You see arrogance is bred by our ability to do anything we want anytime
we want and hold ourselves upon reproach and responsibility but as with all
things there is the opposite of them and the opposite of arrogance is
that the power to control your life and destiny is not built or shaped by man
by only by you. Take the rules of man,
learn them well then see how it applies to the will of God. If you can follow the will of man without
infringing on the will of God, then you have your answer but at any time, if
the will of man infringes on the will of God, this is your opportunity to cry
out and choose Jesus. We put so much
faith in other human beings knowing that they are foul able but ask one of us
about putting just a mustard-seed amount of faith in God and Jesus and we
scream bloody murder. God gave you the
power over sin and to exercise that power all you need to do is not give it
away to sin or if you slipped and did so, you can easily take it right
back. The question is, do you really
want it back or just pretending because taking it back means to be totally responsible
for every decision and choice you make.
Now you know but are you ready?
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