Learning what true Self Preservation means is the roadmap to real happiness
often times am bothered by why all of us refuse to show our honest and sincere
concern and compassion for others. Why
we often times wait until something bad happens before the true spirit of each
of us comes out. We have seen who we really are like during events like Sept 11, Katrina, Hurricane Sandy,
Sandy Hook, the recent Louisiana floods and other disasters and so many more
but we quickly revert back to a place where our differences seems more
important than our similarities, so why do we do this. I believe that it is because of the one
constant embedded within all of us and that is called “self-preservation”.
Self-Preservation causes us to look out for
ourselves before anything or anyone else and in order to protect ourselves, we
choose to focus more on the differences between each other than the similarities
because that would mean we must now truly care about strangers and because many
of us see caring as a sign of weakness or an opening where we can be easily
hurt, we marshal all our forces to cover that exposure.
only after learning that in order to be true self-preservationist only mean remaining
true to ourselves. When we learn, accept
and adopt this principle then and only then will we ever have peace and truly
be happy with who we are, where we’re from, who we have become and where we are
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