Hey Black America- That Mythical Man is you

Growing up in the Deep South, all I heard from black people was, you can’t do this or you can’t do that because “the man” won’t let you.  I had always wondered who this “man” was and when someone finally had the nerve to tell me they said it was the “white man”.  I used to walk around thinking that every white man had the decision on who I was and who I would be, that was before I began to read my Bible.

My Bible taught me that the only person in complete control of me was God and he was a spirit not a mortal man.  My Bible told me that God entrusted me and me alone with this treasure we call a soul and I and I alone was responsible for caring for it and protecting it until that day God calls me home to review what I had done with this soul.  After that, I began to understand that only those whom I allow to control me can and those who I allow to not manipulate me couldn’t.  No mortal holds power or dominion over me unless I choose to let them.  I decide my future and my fate which means that any decision I make, any action I take is the responsibility of mine and mine alone.  I can sit back and blame it on this mythical man if I choose but the only mythical man is me.  Our only true limitations are those we place upon ourselves.

In 1912 a Columbia graduate by the name of Frank Bruner characterized the mental qualities of the Negro as lacking, little sense of honor or integrity, untidy, lazy and unwilling to work at details.  In 1930 an English psychologist by the name of Raymond Cattell wrote that “of all the races, the Nordic race was the most evolved in intelligence and stability of temperament”.  I guess that’s where they got this “blond hair blue eyes thing from.  Cattell’s solution was control of those other groups through birth control, sterilization, adapted reserves and asylums.  He believed that “races which have served their purpose should be brought to euthanasia”.

Sounds just like our current attitude of the Klan and some others we might know.  This was once considered the rule even within our congress but that is not the worst part.  The worst part is that many who live in Black America began and still do believe in this too.  They believe it so much that they no longer lace up their own shoes unless the “mythical man” tells them to.  They believe it so much that they do not take full control or responsibility for their lives, only muddle through because they want to be limited by something or someone because they wish not to own how they live.  While it may work for them, this has a long term effect upon this community and does often serious damage to our children.  They believe what we tell them and take their examples from us.  If we are willing to be compromised by this “mythical man” then our children will adopt that life and therefore allow themselves to be controlled by same.  If we do not care about what happens to us or how our life goes, could we at least find the courage to insure that our children are given the opportunity to do better?

You say that “the man” wants to keep you down, then get up.  You say that “the man” wishes to keep you dumb, then educate yourself.  You say that “the man” wants to keep you poor, then learn that the love of money is the root of all evil.  You say that “the man” wants to keep his foot on your neck, well remove that foot even if you have to take off the entire leg.  Whatever excuse you wish to use that “the man” has to control you, take back that control and tell satan to get hence behind you.  In other words, stop being “the man’s” “boy” and start being your own man.  God gave you the power over you, now use it.


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