If we are completely honest with ourselves, even the blind can see the connection between

mental issues and criminal activities.  You can gather all the proof your need through live

interviews with those who are currently incarcerated or those who have a criminal record

including misdemeanors.  Since there are not one human being free of trauma in their lives

which spawns a mental issue, the alarm should ring quite loudly when you hear them say that

they are fine, normal, sane, or free of sin.  The very fact that a living, breathing human being

thinks that they are immune from mental issues should, itself, be very alarming.

We all begin contact with mental issues at birth.  Abandonment is the first mental trauma we face as we are forced out of the only safe and secure environment that we know.  We then spend most of our time trying to make sense of this new world that we are now a part of.  To get an idea of how we are supposed to navigate this new world, we dependent on many different people and factors to help us along the way.  The first place we choose to collect this information from are those we believe are responsible for us being here.  With each failing of those other humans, pushes us a little bit deeper in this hole and without the help of someone else, this is where we stay.  We use their words to help guide us, but the number one influencer is their actions.  How we see them dealing with the daily activities of life is often how we choose to deal with them as well.

A child watches his father beat his mother and he decide that this is how your handle your anger and what you are supposed to do to fix the problem.  A little girl sees her mother take drastic actions against her father to the point of murder and as she grows, she believes that this is how she needs to act.  Because now these things have become their normal, history has shown that no amount of incarceration is going to change it.

To make the change we are going to have to accept a few hard truths and number one is our old coping skills for dealing with mental issues and criminal activities is not working.  The next truth we need to face is having a mental issue is not something to be afraid or ashamed of, its purpose is to help us learn more about ourselves, why we do what we do, why we think how we think and what we can do to modify or even change that outcome. 

The third truth is that medication is not and never will be the answer.  Medication clouds the mind and makes us think we are fine when deep within the very soul of every human being, we know that we are not.  Medication is only effective if the individual taking it believes it is.  Once that train of thought has departed the station without them, no medication will ever be the same. 

This is clear by drug users who will tell your that with each intake of drugs it is that first high that they are chasing but never finds again simply because there is a reason that they call it the first high.  Self-medication is a clear indication that no matter how much your take or how much your do, those demons that you are attempting to escape from simply just waits until you have come down from your high to hang themselves around your neck again.

What we must do as a country, if we truly do wish to address the rising tide of crime both at home, in the communities and now at our schools is figure out a way to provide answers to every single person as to how and why. 




We can begin this by requiring that before anyone is incarcerated, they must go through an

extended mental health evaluation so the behavioral health counselors within the penal system

knows what areas to address so that we truly rehabilitate them which begins with helping them

see themselves as worthy and not worthless.

Next, we must provide an affordable or cost-free access to extended mental health evaluations

beginning at middle school.  More teen is committing suicide than ever before because the

answers that they are getting they know deep within is not right and the fact that those who they

trust more than anyone else is lying to them, where else can they go to get their truth.   Many

of those dependent upon for that truth are far to uneducated or embarrassed to give them that truth

and when they choose to avoid showing those that they claim to love so much so little love by

lying, denying, or avoiding, where will that love to come from.

Societies’ answer appears to be only medication and when that does not work, it is blamed upon

the individual, the science, and yes even the side effects of the drug.  It should always be

education before medication because only when we have an idea of how, what, and why we do

what we do can we ever take command and choose our own path instead of allowing a disease to

lead us or choosing to follow uncaring pretenders.

Life is not as complicated as many would want us to believe, it is merely a series of choices,

decisions, and follow-throughs.  Whatever choice you are faced with right now, you must make

a decision and whether it turns out like your thought is would r not if your follow through with

your decision and accept all that comes with that decision, whether good or bad, it strengthens

your and begins to rebuild that peace, harmony, inner strength, and courage your need to tackle

the next obstacle that appears in your chosen path in life.  Do we not own this to those we claim?

to love, those we claim to care about, those we claim to appreciate.  Do we not owe this to ours?

communities, our towns, our cities, and our country.  Do we not owe this to ourselves?


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