
Showing posts from December, 2023

The Return of the Dixiecrats

  Today’s experts say that what we are dealing with today regarding Donald Trump and the Maga-Republicans making an unveiled attempt to end democracy as we think we know it is new.   Some used the word “unprecedented” but these proclamations from those who we are supposed to depend on to help understand what is really going on are WRONG.   The time of Donald Trump and the Maga-Republicans is neither new nor unprecedented.   It has happened before in our history but because we did not learn the lessons of the past and still to this day refuse to even honor that past, we are allowing history to repeat itself.   For the same souls that occupied the bodies of the once Dixiecrats have returned and now they inhabit the bodies of Maga-Republicans. In 1957 there was a small faction of governmental leaders lead by then Governor Strom Thurman within the Democrat Party who called themselves Dixiecrats.   These highly educated dictators were so in defense of the so...

Something to Think About Regarding These State’s Abortion Bans

  According to an article titled “The Conversation- A concise history of the US abortion debate, by Treva B. Lindsey, Professor of Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies, The Ohio State University, Published: June 10, 2019, . History has again been totally ignored and the lesson lost.   This being the case, it bears out the great need for educated people to finally diagnose history as it happens and make the necessary changes to ensure that this particular piece of history is not constantly repeated. Consider this, “While many may think that the political arguments over abortion now are fresh and new, scholars of women’s, medical and legal history note that this debate has a long history in the U.S.   It began more than a century before Roe v. Wade. As of 2019 “around 1962 the Food and Drug Administration approved the first commercially produced birth control pill, Enovid-10. Although various ...

The Determination of History to Repeat Itself is Due to our Cowardice to Stop It

  America has always been the land of opportunity however we have become lax in our efforts to ensure that this right is made available for all of us to achieve and enjoy.   Far too often, those who see themselves in a position of authority or great wealth begin to confuse themselves with an idea that since you may be thought of as successful, means your now have the power and authority to dictate to everyone else. This lying power makes those allowed to flex it feel bigger and better than they really are.   It gives them a false sense of righteousness and security over all people, places, and things which must be corrected before we completely lose our very humanity. Every last one of us knows this is wrong but history has allowed these individuals to exercise this false position of power without consequences and punishment. Every one of us is guilty of sitting on our hands and waiting on someone else to save us instead of finding our own intestinal fortitude to save o...

Listen to the Voice of Your Soul

  During the second week of conception as the fetus grows so does the brain but the only cognitive part of it, at that time is called the Mix-Match Negative or MMN.   The MMN has but two tasks, first being telling the fetus when it is time to form all of the organs and parts of the body and the second is to begin recording everything that occurs as well as the fetus’ reaction to them.   These instructions or messages are sent to the temporal lobe to be housed and disseminated as needed.   This dynamic creates our “normal” which often times manifest as our core behavior.   Knowing this allows us to change our normal/behavior if we so desire and alter the way we see, feel about, and even absorb things. For example, whenever something new and frightening happens to us, we revert back to our only option and learned a solution, which is to cry, we learned this behavior when we were snatched out of the womb and the only really safe place we knew.   Our only def...