When the Republican Party Stopped Being the Party of Lincoln
You hear many claim the Republican party as the Party
of Lincoln when they make attempts to reform the current Republican Party into
a party of human rights, decency, and a true governing body but these attempts
soon fall face first at the feet of those who prefer to bully people instead of
listening to them.
Those using this method often gets extremely
frustrated because they thought this fact would snap them out of this MAGA funk
and back to a party one could be truly proud of again. The frustration mounts
because perhaps they said it to the wrong wayward Republicans or in the wrong
group of the GOP because they truly believe that if anyone looked at the stance
that Lincoln took, they would change directions and honor his name and
The truth is, the Republican Party stopped being the
party of Lincoln when those of political strength and influence created a plan
to install their own guy into the seat of the presidency during Lincoln’s
second term. History tells us that the
Republican party carried the same ideas that the current Democratic Party claim
to care about but that was when the Republican party was born from the Whig
Party filled with abolitionist and others who saw all men and women as created
evil and indentured servitude was nothing more than another name for slavery.
History is absent of the facts that before Lincoln
took on his second term, he wanted to bring the country together, so he
enlisted the aid and suggestions of those called Dixiecrats. Dixiecrats were slave owners who loved their
way of life and had refused to surrender it, choosing to succeed, and fighting
a civil war to save it. After losing
that war, they began to search for another way to restore their southern way of
life. Lincoln asked them to help him
reunited the country and they agreed upon on condition. Lincoln had to choose a guy of their choosing
to be his vice-president. And now the
die was cast.
Those little people operating behind the curtain, out of sight of the public became instrumental in convincing some dope of killing the President of the United States and bribing those around that President to be absent on that day and at that time. History blamed John Wilkes Booth and those in power played their roles by hanging those that they said were aligned with Booth, perhaps silencing those who actually knew more about the truth than those behind the curtain wanted them to know.
The Republican Party stopped being the party of
Lincoln on the date of his death because the Dixiecrats had infiltrated the
older Republican party, knowing that the recently freed slaves would be so
grateful to the Republican Party that they would vote overwhelming and those still
claiming the title of Dixiecrat or singing that same old refrain of Dixieland
would never see the inside of a capitol building again. The remaining ex-Whig party, older Republican
party members, migrated over to the newer Democratic party, therefore clearing
the way for the bullies once Dixiecrats, to feel even more embolden and ABOVE
The less resistance a bully feels toward achieving their goals, the more
powerful they believe that they are and this perception becomes the norm for
all those quietly sitting on the sidelines but if resistance is strong and consistent,
bullies tend to give up because they do not possess the heart, spine, backbone,
or balls to take the hardest road to a goal, they prefer the easiest way and
the easiest way the public gives them is when they cower in the corners, hid
under the tables, and under their mothers skirts because they are too afraid to
stand eye to eye with a bully.
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