A Truer Sense of who you Really Are
At conception, the first thing that forms are part of the brain, this portion has only one cognitive component which is called the Mix match negative (MMN). This component is tasked with telling the fetus when it is time to form the different parts of the body and recording all events and reactions. This recording captures everything from the way things happened to how you felt about them, this is the start of all your memories and beginning stages of creation of your behavior. From infancy to the age of eleven (11), the MMN continues to capture your memories and reactions. This is defined by all your experiences and all that you witness. You learn by watching those closest to you and the examples that they set to figure out how you should react or handle those same situations. Your only sense of right or wrong is the justification that if those closest to you are doing it, then it must be okay and right. From ages twelve (12) to approximately twen...