America Ideal Opportunity for Advancement Thanks to Donald Trump


For those who have heard but refuse to believe the saying that “everything happens for a reason”, history provides us with the blueprint to advance and failing to take advantage of this opportunity leaves us unprepared and woefully ignorant of how bad things can get.

Today, we stand with clear knowledge that the real distance between a democracy and an autocracy is a razor’s edge.  We know this because the first term as president by Donald Trump, enabled by those around him such as David Pecker who made up stories against his political rivals while finding and killing stories about Trump.  A Republican party that did not drop him like a sack of potatoes after the Excess Hollywood tape came out and instead choose to continue to push the narrative that they knew was a lie about him being an honest and decent person.  Mitch McConnell who was compensated to finally take out Roe vs Wade by blocking President Obama from appointing Supreme Court Judges as well as a whole host of federal judges so that he could use that incentive to have Trump hire his wife for his cabinet.  The Democratic party’s failure to stop those seeking federal and supreme court appointments, knowing that when they got the majority, Roe vs Wade would not survive.  They asked for a commitment that Roe vs Wade was the law of the land and were content to pretend that this weak action was enough, thanks for your inability to do your job of defending the freedoms and rights of all Americans.  Let us not forget others like Stephen Miller, Jim Comey, Chuck Grassley, Harry Reed, Chuck Schumer, Mike Pence, and so many others. These and others knew the risk of allowing Trump such latitude but found a weak excuse to allow it and now those who played the largest part in pushing this country so close to the edge of autocracy, quickly retires and slink back into the shadows hoping no one will remember how much disdain that they must have had for this country to be so wimpy at a time where bravery was required. So why did this happen, well here’s a clue.

Our democratic institutions were never strong enough to last as long as it has, the idea was for us to pay heed to history and look for those holes in the walls so that we could replace those weak damaged parts with newer more reinforced materials.  There is no better time than right now to learn the lessons that history is trying to teach us and do our job to make sure that this world which we will turn over to our kids, grandkids, and great grandkids are more solid a democracy upholding the freedoms of those who are here and those who risk everything to get here.

Time to reform the Supreme Court by having judges chosen by the majority and not a president.  To have them spend not a lifetime on that bench but a maximum of twenty (20) years.  Turning our Inspector General Offices into a court-mandated reporting agency that must investigate and refer valid violations to congress first for a legislative fix but if congress can’t find one or neglects to perform their job, move it immediately to the Department of Justice.  Penalties should be a charge of dereliction of duty, forfeiture of current position, and a minimum of two (2) years in federal prison.  Elected Officials should be limited to no more that ten (10) years of service in congress and also held to the mandated reporter statues, facing the same penalty if they choose to take bribes instead of doing their elected jobs.  Congress should also be mandated to pass laws, not to prevent people from committing crimes, but to clearly state the penalties for commission of those crimes.  This does not prevent people from choosing so we do not have to concern ourselves with violation of anyone’s right, it just clearly spells out what penalty your can expect if your choose to commit crimes. Any law that is created in either Federal or State Chambers that clearly infringe upon the rights of any American, the voters, in the affirmative, for this law to be, should also be held to account.

It is not the right of anyone to convince but it is the responsibility of all to share what they have learned during their existence.  No one has the right to demand and attempt to control the choices of another and this sad attempt to do so has blown up in our faces every time those who thought themselves to be in charge tried.  History is evident of this, yet we still keep trying to do the same thing the exact same way expecting a different result.


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