A Truer Sense of who you Really Are


At conception, the first thing that forms are part of the brain, this portion has only one cognitive component which is called the Mix match negative (MMN).  This component is tasked with telling the fetus when it is time to form the different parts of the body and recording all events and reactions.  This recording captures everything from the way things happened to how you felt about them, this is the start of all your memories and beginning stages of creation of your behavior.

From infancy to the age of eleven (11), the MMN continues to capture your memories and reactions. This is defined by all your experiences and all that you witness.  You learn by watching those closest to you and the examples that they set to figure out how you should react or handle those same situations.  Your only sense of right or wrong is the justification that if those closest to you are doing it, then it must be okay and right.

From ages twelve (12) to approximately twenty-five (25), you test what you have learned in the early stage. Even though the MMN is still recording, reasonable thought has now been replaced by “impulses”, this is the stage where the brain goes on vacation and all that you are operating on at this stage is “impulse power”.  We may correct behavior based upon what we learn at this stage but mostly we are inclined to try other things that we would probably never try, for no other reason than to see if what we are hearing about them is right or wrong.  Doing our “impulse stage” is when many of us make those mistakes that we later come to regret.

At the age of twenty-six (26) the brain is back from vacation and completely formed which then allows us to address whatever issues that were created during our “impulse” stage and correct our behavior to match the person we now wish to be or think we wish to be.

The only problem is we are not sure who that is nor what it looks like, so we wander around confused, angry, and in a daze.  We were given a good excuse for our behavior because it was what we were taught or what we experienced but now that the brain is fully formed, we know that it is and wasn’t right because our truer self, the soul that dwells within says so.

Traumas allowed us an excuse to be ignorant of correct and decent behavior, but it only provides us with two (2) options.  The first is to remain a victim of these traumas or we can choose the second which is to learn the lessons of these traumas and become a survivor.  Becoming a survivor means that we have got to now start taking full responsibility for our choices, our actions, our inactions, and yes, our reactions.  Continuing to play ignorant is choosing to continue to be a victim.

If you were born, then you would have and will continue to endure trauma. The real question to ask yourself is whether you are content with your behavior or not.  If you are not, then follow the example of Superman and ask for help from a professional Super Friend.


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