Blatant Misuse of Power
Now no one knows more about the devastating effect that this economy has had on the middle class especially teachers, firefighters and police as I. Being a small business owner, here in Rockford, without the pristine credit score needed to secure small business loans from our local financial institutions. It is of this understanding why I believe that so many may be willing to do almost anything to guarantee their ability to sustain their livelihood. What I can not stomach and condone is when that drive causes good people to do very bad things.
I speak of a teacher in Auburn High School who teaches algebra by the name of Mr. Taube. This revelation was brought to my by my niece whom has been saddled with summer school all because she turned in her lessons late. While I can understand accountability, this requirement must also be met by the very ones who are tasked with teaching it as well. I can also understand how an upset student may be willing to provide an excuse for his or her lack of attention during the school year but when you hear very close comparisons of a particular story from a couple of different students who do not normally pal around together, one of little intelligence must then begin to wonder just how much truth there in lies.
Turning in work late was supposed to carry with it a reduction in the total score but never to the point where the lessons are had being refused to even be graded which lowers a student's score to the point of failing and therefore is forced to attend summer school. Late work used to be considered even nearing the end of a regular school session but apparently not for Mr. Taube. It is reported that he declined to grade a lesson turned in as early as one hour after it was due. This child is also attending summer school. When the students approached the principals, as they are instructed to do, they were informed that the principals had no authority to over-rule this teacher even with policy on their side.
My assumption is simple. Mr. Taube and probably more like him, has decided that making school even more difficult than it already is for students is worth it in the long run if it keeps a paycheck coming in during the summer. Frankly I think this assault on the very rules designed for the benefit of our future leaders is much more damaging than one realizes. We tolerate not any actions that would cause undue stress or strain when committed by a student, we should be equally outraged when it happens at the hands of a teacher.
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