Shocking similarities between Obama being a one term president and the GOP overreach
Let’s play a little game of pretend and say that the Michelle Bachman claim of Obama being a one-term president is correct. Assuming that is true then one has to begin to look at the striking similarities between that and the constant Republican over-reach in the states and now in Washington. Picture this.
President Obama loses his bid for a second term and the Republican replacement now begins to see his/her election as a mandate from the people and smartly begins to dismantle everything that he has done and attempting to do during his term. Much like the invisible mandate that new flock of Republicans believed that they received in the U.S. House of Representatives or those Senators, Representatives and new Republican Governors. It doesn’t matter what they campaigned on because this invisible mandate tells them that they do not have to fulfill any of them. They proceed to seek more discriminatory actions toward those that they feel will never vote for them like the poor, minorities, women and unions. Instead of getting good government for the people as promised by those who can find a camera, its good government for big business and more burdens on the backs of those without lobbyists or deep pockets. But if history is any lesson, replacing Obama with a Republican only means that those in the congress both state and federal will be replaced as well. While the White House ineptly competes to undo all Obama had done so will those who replace the current leaders in the state houses and the governor mansions. And we stay mired in the same muck where we have been for the last few years, still falling way behind all the other countries and wondering why America is not the leader that she once was.
We will probably never really know if what Obama was proposing and was able to get pas congress even with such a stiff opposition to anything he tries would have ever succeeded. We already know that the assault on women’s rights in the states will not stand for long and we know that any replacement of those who have made it their life’s mission to destroy all that those who came before them built, will make valid attempts to rebuild what predecessor have destroyed. All these things will come to pass but there is one major difference between those currently taking up space in the political leadership seats and Obama being a one-termer.
It’s the intangibles that will be Obama’s legacy. The things that he brought to that office that no one before or after will ever bring again. In comparison to those who occupied that office before him, he will always remain at the head of the class. For those that come after him, they will always have to measure up to the standard that he sat and that will be a very tall order. Classic example of a few of the intangibles is Obama’s reach with the public. Liz Goodwin wrote an article titled Struggling single mom sells Obama letter in which she told us about “Destiny Mathis, a young woman in Indiana, reached out to President Obama for a sign of hope in tough economic times, and was initially thrilled to receive a handwritten reply from the president. Now, however, the same economic hardships that prompted her to write to Obama last November have prompted her to put up the letter for sale on an auction website--marking the ninth such sale of an Obama letter that the online auction service has handled.” Imagine this mother asking for help from Obama and getting it in a way she never realized was possible. He did not make her a personal loan but you could consider it as such because when she needed help the worst his hand-written letter may be exactly what the doctor ordered. Also take into consideration what happened with another lady who wrote to this president and the assistance she got. “A Michigan woman sold a letter from Obama in October for $7,000 to help pay for her cancer treatment and for a down payment on a house.”
Thanks to people like “Gary Zimet, who has sold eight other letters from the president so far for up to $20,000 on his site, Moments in Time” and the purchasers of these letter, these people have and will get immediate help. While this kind of thing may never happen for the majority of us, we must give glory to God for it happening for them. This is the type of reach that no replacement of Barack Obama will ever be able to erase. Years from now these ladies will tell their story and each time they tell it, the story will further raise this president to a status that can never be ignored. Just goes to show that true leaders lead from the heart and use their heads for more than just a hat rack. It shows that their only constant struggle is with not doing the right thing.
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