Heated debt talks signals the end of Tea Party rule
The has been much conversation about what happened in the debt talks between President Barack Obama and the Republican’s number two man, Eric Cantor. Everybody has their own interpretations about what that exchange meant and like everyone else, I have mine. Mine say that the Republican Party may have received a blessing in disguise and President’s Obama frustration may just be their salvation. Mine says that this events signals the end of Tea Party rule and the re-emergence of the real Party of Lincoln
Here is my evidence and much of it comes from an article by Olivier Knox for AFP titled “Global warnings raise stakes in US debt standoff”. It all started when “The US hit the ceiling on May 16 and has used spending and accounting adjustments, as well as higher-than-expected tax receipts, to continue operating without impact on government obligations.” That was when “The president began pressing for a comprehensive deal to last through his 2012 reelection campaign” but now “after years of having backed massive tax cuts and rejected paying for wars in Afghanistan and Iraq or a costly increase in a popular health care program, Republicans have embraced fiscal discipline since Obama took office.” Then enters the Tea Party, jumping on the band wagon as they were called to arms by the rhetoric of fiscal discipline. They began as a group of different party affiliations to deliver a message to congress that the American public has had enough of this political game and it was time to get down to real business of governing. That soon gave way to extreme members who hijacked that grassroots movement and turned it into a completely different animal. The honest and decent members of the Tea Party quickly left the ranks and all that was left were those who had a bigger agenda than just fiscal discipline.
The silent partners, big business and the millionaire club, thought that in the beginning all this was just fun and games. Their attention started to sharpen when they began to open their eyes and really pay attention to “Moody's held out the threat of downgrading the sterling US credit rating.” It got even more serious to them when they read that “China also expressed concern after its Dagong credit ratings agency echoed Moody's by putting US sovereign debt on downgrade watch, citing weak US economic growth and the likelihood that fiscal deficits would remain high.” You see, the one thing that these silent party members knew was that which gives them such a “god-like” appeal to foreign countries is the “full faith and credit of the United States”. They knew that without it, the acquisitions that they would be able to gain and the ease of which they would be able to exploit other countries’ rules would be completely erase and the advantage afforded to them by the full faith and credit of the United States would be gone. This, they realized could not happen and now you will find many of their signatures on letters to congress loudly expressing this fact.
When President Barack Obama warned Eric Cantor "Don't call my bluff," he warned Cantor, adding that he was ready to take his case to US voters, according to aides on both sides. "I've reached my limit. This may bring my presidency down, but I will not yield on this." Not only did it leave “Cantor chastised and speechless but it signaled the end of Tea Party rule in the Republican Party. Party leaders know now what the rest of us knew a while back, that the controlling faction of the Tea Party are filled with those who care more about making this president fail than anything else and is willing to gamble with more than the economy, they are willing to erase this nation’s history as that shining beacon on the hill. The nation all others look to as a symbol of what they wanted their country to become. That tower of strength through many different ideas and beliefs that could meld as one and become the last great haven of freedom. Though there are still those, towing the Tea Party line of risk it all, they too will soon fail to their own demise. Eric Cantor, Michelle Bachman, Sarah Palin and many others will soon learn that no matter how tame or lame that a caged animal appear, if you keep poking it long enough, it will fight back. Our president has signaled that its time for the gloves to come off. That playing with children is fun for a while but eventually you have to deal with adults to run a country. The papa grizzly has shown his teeth, let’s hope that enough for the others to get serious about our problems here in this country before the grizzly start using his claws.
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