Teaching the Difference between Right and Wrong

One of the main lessons that any parent can teach to their child is the difference between right and wrong.  Many people have a measurement of whether something is right or wrong by what they have seen or have experienced.  Children need to know that the main difference between right and wrong is strictly based on perception.  Wearing mix matched socks is only wrong to the person who perceives that to not be their style but for the person who thinks it’s a question of individual preference they may not consider it wrong.

Children need to know that another main difference between right and wrong is thinking that you are right and knowing that you are right.  Knowing that you are right will take some reading and research while thinking that you are right is mainly just repeating something that you may have heard without verifying it.   A recent example is the debate regarding the reason for the Civil War.  Some argue that it was because of slavery and others say that slavery had nothing to do with it.  There are probably evidence to support ones stance on slavery not begin a factor but I have viewed the evidence of the other.  So when it comes to educating my children on the causes of the Civil War, I would be more inclined to say to them that slavery was a factor. 

Which ever means you decide to employ, when it comes to educating your children on right and wrong, it is very important that they are exposed to both sides of the argument.  This will better prepare your child to represent a more inclusive side of life vice an exclusive one.  They will be better at listening without prejudgment of an argument and make them a much better person over-all.  Children should be made to understand that being right is never determined by who yells the loudest but who can present the best argument for their particular side at that particular time or whether there is a law against your position.  As many before us have shown numerous of times, making something the law of the land does not always make it right.  The final difference between right and wrong is being willing to change your mind if presented with over-whelming evidence to the contrary.  Children should always be reminded that it’s not how often you are right that’s important, it’s being able to admit when you are wrong.


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