Why I am Offended with the Media’s title “Obama’s Charm Offensive”
I keep hearing this phrase being echoed in the media Obama’s Charm Offensive and just the name offends me. I have studied on this for quite some time and looked at it from several different angles only to come back to the same conclusion. It is offensive to me. The media say that he has to do this because it may mend some fences and make governing easier. They say it is needed to get his agenda across and leave a lasting legacy for all to remember and one for the history books. I can see their point but it stills riles me to think that the title is nothing more than a nice way of saying that in order to get things done in Washington, this particular president needs to kiss congress’ rings. I take offense to this because, for me, in order to mend some fences, you should be the reason those fences are broken. I cannot see how that could be the case when the opposition met before he was even inaugurated and decided to do all ...