The Two Faces of America

If you are wondering where this country is headed, wonder no more because you have just been given a “bird’s eye view” of the dual faces of America.  Which one of the faces will you rejoice in wearing?

The first face was shown by all those first responders, volunteers and every day citizens who rushed forward in peril by putting those who were injured in the Boston Marathon Blasts before them.  They showed heroic compassion by not only jumping in, working together and doing all this without being asked or paid.  They did all this by now offering their home, a place at their table and comforting words and encouragement to those displaced by that bombing.  We saw a face of America that makes us that shining city on the hill that beacon for all society to see and emulate. We saw the true and real essence of America.  This was a clear example of the type of compassion Jesus spoke about in Luke Chapter 10 regarding The Good Samaritan.  Grab your Bible, look it up and read it for yourself.  Then compare the actions of the Samaritan to those in Boston and nation-wide.

The next face was shown by those cowardly senators who voted against the extended background check bill which also covered “straw purchases”.  These senators failed to complete a simple promise made during their campaigns when they said they would be fearless when it came to making tough decisions in Washington regarding the protection of their citizens.  They sought to secure their jobs in Washington than doing their jobs.  They sought to replace their desire to keep your children safe with the desire to keep their ratings with organizations.  They showed the kind of compassion that the priest and the temple assistant showed their neighbor on the road in Luke Chapter 10 regarding The Good Samaritan.  These senators were not just Republicans but Democrats as well.  Apparently compassion has no place in their world when it comes to pretending to care as the priest and the temple assistant did but when faced with a chance to prove their worth, chicken-out and choose the easier path.  Not so tough a choice made by not so tough a person. 

Being human means you need to take a stand even if it may go against self-preservation.  Those action heroes in Boston proved this.  Being American means to place those with the more pressing need above those who wants are thought to be more pressing.  Again I ask the question placed to us, which one of these faces will you rejoice in wearing?


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