Causes and Influences

Experts say that there are many different causes and influences that have a lot to do with our actions and reactions to events.  Influences are thought to be things like knowledge which is nothing more than getting your own way, opportunity which is the chance to act out on what you believe and choose.  Choice is nothing more than choosing to act in a particular way or not. 


Causes are sometimes defined as those things which lead you to choice or lack of.  Things like alcohol which we all know impairs one judgment, childhood which convinces us that the actions and reactions you saw growing up is the only way and all we may know.  Previous relationships may help us learn coping mechanisms and now we decide to use these skills in all relationships afterwards.  Drugs which not only impairs your judgment but can also cause many other lingering and long-lasting problems seldom solving any while creating even more, stress which is nothing more than worrying about things that you cannot control, while failing to control those things that you can and finally past events.   Past events are those things that happened and like past relationships can lead us into thinking that what worked for you in the past will work now only to find that the solution to one problem may not ever the same solution to all your problems.


Personally speaking, while my influences are many like childhood, previous relationships and past events, there is only on cause.  Choice, the others, I have come to understand are only excuses.  Something to justify my actions which are often times inexcusable.  Whether knowing then what I know now would have prevented me from being where I am today, I cannot honestly say, but I do know that a whole lot more will have to take place before I travel this same path again.  I know this because of all the valuable lessons I’ve learned throughout my years on earth, the most important is choice.  It was by choice that I am currently in the situation I am right now and it is by choice that I shall never be here again.


You see the most enduring lesson we all need to learn is, you have only two choices when it comes to choice.  Control it or let it control you.  The choices that I make are the only real control I have over anyone or anything and I will not turn it over to anyone.  I am going to make these choices myself and I will control it. 


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